Ontario, ON
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Éducation et formation (incluant les écoles)

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Cette section met l'accent sur l'éducation et les ressources scolaires qui peuvent intéresser les personnes ayant des difficultés en santé mentale.

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Publicly Funded / Free Services

Across Boundaries is a mental health centre that provides a range of support and services to people of color in the Greater Toronto Area who are experiencing ... more
51 Clarkson Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6T 2T5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
16 ans et plus
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The Gestalt Institute of Toronto is one of the oldest established psychotherapy training schools in Canada. We were established in 1973 as a center for some of ... more
417 Parliament St, Toronto, ON, M5A 3A1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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We work closely with families to provide the supports they need, including: -childcare for children ages 6 months to 5 years help in identifying and dealing ... more
32 Heath Street West, Toronto, ON, M4V 1T3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 12 ans
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NAN provides free Child Life Informed support for children enduring a parental cancer journey and potential death. Children engage with a specially trained ... more
1000 Sheppard Ave. West, Toronto, ON, M3H 2T6 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 16 ans
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The clinic provides state of the art assessment and treatment services to community members in the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding regions. Individual ... more
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Support group for those coping with grief and bereavement. Offers mutual support groups by trained volunteers and supported by professional advisors. Groups ... more
211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6H5 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 ans et plus
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Ils propose toute une gamme de services aux hommes gais, bisexuels, trans et autres hommes qui aiment les hommes. more
420 Cooper Street, Ottawa, ON, K2P 2N6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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L'organisme national de défense des droits des lesbiennes, des gais, et des personnes bisexuelles et trans, voué à la promotion de l'égalité, de la diversité, de l'éducation et de la justice. more
185 Carlton St., Toronto, ON, M5A 2K7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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IFRC's programming focuses on families with children ages 0-13 years who are at risk. The goal is to promote healthy outcomes through four main core standard ... more
297 Savard Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1L 7S1 Carte
613-749-4500 x22
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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80 écoles qui servent environ 39000 étudiants a travers la ville d'Ottawa. Les programmes incluent la maternelle jusqu'au 12 année, le programme d'immersion ... more
570 West Hunt Club Road, Ottawa (nepean), ON, K2G 3R4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Divers services offerts aux femmes de 16 ans et plus qui ont été touchées par des agressions sexuelles ou traumatiques comprenant un service d'aide 24 ... more
Ottawa, ON, K1N 9P4
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
16 ans et plus
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Education, support services to help children, youth and adults affected by FASD * Support and care to the families and caregivers of those impacted by FASD * ... more
312 Parkdale, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Provides resources to BC educators, youth, and families in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity issues. more
Nelson Park, BC, V6E 4L7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Un programme de promotion et d’intervention bilingue en santé mentale qui est géré pour les jeunes et par les jeune, avec le soutien de CHEO. more
2305 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON, K1G 4J8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
13 - 20 ans
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Présentations pour les écoles et les centres communautaires pour les jeunes: Santé Mentale et bien-être, StressMOINS et Comment Aider un Ami more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
12 - 20 ans
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Services de CISOC: * Interprétation consecutive en 60 langues, sur place, au téléphone ou par vidéo (jour et nuit, sept jours sur sept, toute ... more
44 Eccles Street, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6S4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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La Société psychanalytique d’Ottawa est l’association professionnelle des psychanalystes d'Ottawa. Il s’agit d’une composante de la Société ... more
223 Main Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1C4
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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St. Nicholas offers adults with credits courses to complete high school or earn pre-requisites for further education and training.  Students work at their own ... more
893 Admiral Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 6L6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 ans et plus
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Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) is a community-based counselling and resource centre and serves to empower and enhance the lives of Inuit residing in Ontario. TI ... more
604 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6L1 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Drug & alcohol services for 12-23 year olds and their families Services include: *Individual and family counselling *Secondary school on-site ... more
100 Main Street, Hamilton, ON Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
12 - 23 ans
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton & Burlington provides mentoring services to children 7-18 years of age who are in need of supportive and nurturing ... more
639 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8M 1J4 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
7 - 18 ans
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The goal of Health Services, Minopimàdiz-i Gamik is to provide effective holistic health programs that meet the needs of the community. Services include: ... more
1643 Mishomis Inamo, Golden Lake, ON, K0J 1X0 Carte
Région desservie Comité de Renfrew
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3525 Highway 34 South, Alexandria, ON, K0C 1A0 Carte
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L'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale est un organisme bénévole oeuvrant à l'échelle nationale dans le but de promouvoir la santé mentale de ... more
329 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON, K6J 3R1 Carte
16 ans et plus
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Soutien pour les jeunes, agés de 16 a 24 ans, qui laissent le soin de La Société de l'aide à l'enfance et du système de protection de l'enfance a l'âge ... more
57 Main Street North, Alexandria, ON, K0C 1A0 Carte
613-525-4888 x230
16 - 24 ans
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The Tri-County (Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry) Literacy Council is a community-based, non-profit organization. Our mandate is to enrich both our community ... more
333 Pitt St., Cornwall, ON, K6H 3R1 Carte
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Soins de santé d'urgence, tests de dépistage quant aux infections transmises sexuellement et le traitement de ces dernières, la collecte de preuves et la ... more
840 McConnell Avenue, Cornwall, ON, K6H 5S5
613-932-3300 x4202
14 ans et plus
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Preschool programs include infant development programs and early years centres. Family services include supportive housing, youth programming, family ... more
39-40 FraserCourt, Barrie, ON, L4N 5J5 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Services include: * Professional counselling * Educational programs designed to improve the interpersonal skills of individuals and the quality of family ... more
115 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, ON, L1H 4G7 Carte
Zones desservies Durham Region, Clarington
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CMHA provides services to adults with a diagnosis of a serious mental illness or presence of mental health symptoms within the Sudbury – Manitoulin ... more
111 Elm Street, ON, P3C 1T3 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
16 ans et plus
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Un établissement de réadaptation communautaire axé sur la famille offrant des évaluations, des traitements, des consultations et de l’éducation aux ... more
41 Ramsey Lake, Sudbury, ON, P3E 5J1 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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A non-profit community agency which provides many services and supports to parents, children and professionals to enhance and support a good quality of life ... more
662 Falconbridge Road, Sudbury, ON, P3A 4S4 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton & Burlington provides mentoring services to children 7-18 years of age who are in need of supportive and nurturing ... more
560 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON, L7R 3M4 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
7 - 18 ans
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* a community outreach program, serving residents of Halton * also known as "Hospital without walls," the program is organized as a mobile ... more
1230 North Shore Blvd, Burlington, ON, L7S 1W7 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
18 ans et plus
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Helps youth and families manage mental health and/or justice issues. Services include: *School based programs *Community based programs *Youth Justice programs *Parent education more
160 Traders Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 3K7 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
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Provides safety, support and hope to abused women and their children by offering the following services: * Emergency Shelter * 24 hour Crisis Line * ... more
20 Bredin Parkway, Orangeville, ON, L9W 4Z9 Carte
519-941-4357 x9055844357
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
16 ans et plus
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Since 1991 Vita Centre has provided support, education and counselling for young pregnant and parenting families with children up to 6 years of age in Peel ... more
5659 McAdam Rd, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1N9 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 6 ans
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We are dedicated to helping visible minority and immigrant women as they strive to succeed in Canadian society. Services include: *Career Exploration ... more
145 Columbia Street West, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3L2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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480 Charles St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4K5 Carte
519-884-0000 x213
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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The training program involves a placement at KW Counselling Services and consists of three entry periods, including orientation, per year. Entry to the ... more
480 Charles Street East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4K5 Carte
519-884-0000 x235
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Offers many services, programs and support to new Canadians, including: *Information and Referral *Settlement Counselling *Library Settlement ... more
102 King St. W, Kitchener, ON, N2G 1A6 Carte
519-745-2531 x5197452593
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Providing information about Tourette Syndrome and its associated disorders (ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, sensory, etc). Information on how to navigate the education ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Through partnership with the Waterloo Regional District School Board, Ray of Hope offers a non-traditional approach to education for youth struggling through ... more
831 King St. East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 2M7 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
16 - 18 ans
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Ray of Hope’s Open Custody facility offers a place of hope where young men aged 12-17 are able to carry out their court-appointed sentence. Each resident is ... more
47 Madison Ave. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3M4 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 - 17 ans
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Ray of Hope’s Secure Custody facility offers a safe place for youth aged 12-17 to carry out their court-appointed sentences. Youth in this program have ... more
2282 Queen St., RR2, Petersburg, ON, N0B 2H0 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 - 17 ans
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*Connects people with employers, training, funding, and jobs. *Free services in Cambridge, Kitchener, and Guelph help individuals find and maintain their ... more
165 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2G 2K8 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Together came out of a desire to increase the services available to families struggling with perinatal mental health in Waterloo Region. Together we will ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Programs programs and services to prenatal families and families with children under the age of 6. more
161 Roger St, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1B1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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*Connects people with employers, training, funding, and jobs. *Free services in Cambridge, Kitchener, and Guelph help individuals find and maintain their ... more
30 Wyndham St. N., Guelph, ON, N1H 4E5 Carte
519-822-4141 x1532
Région desservie Wellington County
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Rebound Child & Youth Services Northumberland provides high quality, community based programs and services to children, youth and their families in ... more
700 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, ON, K9A 5T3 Carte
Région desservie Northumberland County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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*Intake & Referral *Counselling *Outreach *Specialized Programs more
14785 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON, L4G 1N1 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
12 ans et plus
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Supporting individuals who have experienced abuse in intimate adult relationships in their journey towards healthy self-directed lives and respectful relationships more
60 James Street, St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7E7 Carte
905-684-1223 x1
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
16 ans et plus
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New Outlooks and Beginnings helps youth prepare to leave the care of FACS and establish independent living in the community. New Outlooks educates and prepares ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 16 ans
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Assistance in building confidence and increasing self-esteem. Benefits people with esteem issues due to depression, anxiety, weight problems, eating ... more
St Catharines, ON
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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The programs and services offered through the JHS Niagara reflect our continued commitment to improve our communities through Justice, Prevention, Employment and Education. more
210 King Street, St. Catharines, ON, L2R 3J9 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
7 ans et plus
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Oak Centre is a community mental health program serving people in the Niagara Region who have mental health problems. We support people to go back to work and ... more
24 Dorothy Street, Welland, ON, L3B 3V7 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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Two full day care programs are offered at the Western Hill and Central ELPP (7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) centres. We offer developmental screening to ensure ... more
1 Monck Street xxx, St. Catharines, ON Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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Various supports and services for GLBTQ youth in the Niagara region including drop-in sessions and counselling. Services for professionals and agencies include workshops and presentations. more
3340 Schmon Parkway, Thorold, ON, L2V 4Y6 Carte
905-688-6850 x128
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Various services to help those with mental illness, including: * Homelessness initiative * Return to Work Program * Assertive Telephone Outreach ... more
199 Front Street, Belleville, ON, 8N5H5 Carte
Région desservie Hastings County
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Offrir à la population du Nord-Est de l'Ontario des services bilingues dans le domaine de l’évaluation psychologique et de l'intervention psychosociale. more
60 9th Street, Hearst, ON, P0L 1N0 Carte
Région desservie Cochrane District
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Le STCN offre une gamme de services pour ceux et celles qui sont aux prises avec un problème d’abus de substances, et /ou jeu problématique ainsi que pour ... more
29 Byng Avenue, Kapuskasing, ON, P5N 1W6 Carte
Région desservie Cochrane District
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Sakeenah Homes is a transitional home for Muslim women and children who may be facing violence, homelessness, financial or immigration issues. Our mission is ... more
5659 McAdam Rd, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1N9 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Canada
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Y’a personne de parfait est un programme à l’intention des parents d’enfants âgés de cinq ans et moins. Il est conçu pour répondre aux besoins des ... more
ON, Canada
Jusqu'à 5 ans
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This wiki-based community provides a common work space, a blog on Canadian school health news, the latest items posted from a Canadian CSH Twitter feed and an ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Non-profit education centre specializing suicide prevention; involved with curriculum development; training programs; library and information services. Purpose ... more
105 12 Avenue SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 1A1 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Professional association that provides psychotherapy training to nurses. NOTE: Does not provide direct psychotherapy services to the general public. more
18 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON, L6V 1A2
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Regulatory body that provides membership, certification, training and clinical supervision for Play Therapists and students locally for Canadians. Play Therapy International affiliated. more
466 Wellington Street, London, ON, N6A 3P8 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

114 Maitland St., Toronto, ON, M4Y 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Sean Hale Coaching and Psychotherapy
ON, Canada
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
18 - 65 ans
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Lindsay Civiero Peer Support
Mississauga, ON, L5A 2R3
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
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Therapy Starts Here
Toronto, ON, M6K 3P1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
17 ans et plus
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989 Eglinton Ave West, Toronto, ON, M6C 2C6 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
17 ans et plus
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Toronto, ON
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
13 ans et plus
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186 Hinchey Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1L7
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
5 - 16 ans
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880 Taylor Creek Drive, Orléans, ON, K1C 1T1 Carte
613-266-4470 x6132772180
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 65 ans
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1554 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7M4 Carte
Zones desservies Ottawa-Carleton, Outaouais, Montréal
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
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Mélanie Lacombe
Ottawa, ON
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Oui
6 - 20 ans
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YogaYoga Counselling
Ottawa, ON, K2H 0A2 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
19 ans et plus
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Nicole Lewis Psychotherapy
200 Kennevale Dr, Ottawa, ON, K2J 6B6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
16 ans et plus
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223 Main, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1C4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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48 Alliance Blvd., Barrie, ON, L4M 5K3 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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B. Ryan Speech-Language Pathology
1099 KINGSTON RD, Pickering, ON, L1V 1B5 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
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50 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
4 ans et plus
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678 Spring Gardens Rd, Burlington, ON, L7T 1J3 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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14A Martin Street, Milton, ON, L9T 2P9 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
4 - 21 ans
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Grigenas Counselling & Consulting
38 Stanley Ave, Hamilton, ON, L8P 2L1
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
18 ans et plus
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Michele Cadotte Counselling
33 Dupont St. E, Waterloo, ON, N2J 2G8 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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305 Renfrew Drive, Markham, ON Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
Accepting patients: Oui
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415 Sumbler Road, Welland, ON, L3B 5N8 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
5 ans et plus
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1. Conseils scolaires

Les écoles sont dirigées par différents conseils scolaires, qui sont organisés en différentes régions géographiques, langue et religion.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

L'école publique de langue française accueille les élèves de toute origine et de toute religion à la recherche d'une formation académique de qualité, en ... more
2445 boulevard St-Laurent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 6C3 Carte
613-742-8960 x1888332376
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
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Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Toronto District School Board - Support Services focus is committed to active and meaningful collaboration with students, parent/guardian(s), schools and ... more
5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M2N 5N8 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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TURNING POINT YOUTH SERVICES is a multi-service accredited children's mental health centre. We are located in Toronto's downtown core and provide a range of ... more
95 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
12 - 24 ans
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Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) (formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Hospital) is a public hospital providing a wide range ... more
700 Gordon St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5N1 Carte
12 ans et plus
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Avec près de 17 000 élèves fréquentant ses 37 écoles élémentaires, ses 6 pavillons intermédiaires et ... more
4000 rue Labelle Street, Ottawa, ON, K1J 1A1 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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School board serving the Ottawa area, with 149 school sites (119 elementary, 25 secondary including the Adult High School, and 5 secondary alternate sites). ... more
133 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, ON, K2H 6L3 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is a school board comprising the Eastern Ontario region outside Ottawa-Carleton region, comprised of a Capital ... more
225 Central Avenue West, Brockville, ON Carte
613-342-0371 x18002677131
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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The Upper Canada District School Board is a diverse, public educational organization in Eastern Ontario. It consists of dedicated individuals committed to ... more
225 Central Avenue West, Brockville, ON, K6V 5X1 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Providing programs and services that focus on child abuse prevention, education and treatment. We offer comprehensive assessment and specialized treatment ... more
460 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8L 8G1 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
2 - 18 ans
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Actif dans l’éducation, la prévention et la sensibilisation auprès de la population, le Centre Novas – CALACS francophone de Prescott-Russell offre une ... more
Casselman, ON, K0A 1M0
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
16 ans et plus
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Soins à domicile Bayshore est une entreprise canadienne qui se consacre depuis 1966 à améliorer la qualité de vie, la dignité et l'autonomie des Canadiens ... more
112 Second Street West, Cornwall, ON, K6J 1G5 Carte
613-938-1691 x18662273121
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The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario operates 39 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools in 8 counties in Eastern Ontario. more
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Carte
1-800-267-7136 (Sans frais)
4 - 21 ans
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Le territoire du Conseil scolaire Viamonde s’étend de Windsor à l’ouest jusqu’à la frontière de Trenton à l’est, en passant par la péninsule du ... more
Toronto, ON Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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The public school board for Simcoe County, based in Midhurst. more
410 Maplegrove, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2V4 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Catholic school board for Simcoe Muskoka County in Ontario, Canada. more
Barrie, ON Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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The Grey Bruce ‘We CARE’ Project is an initiative of community agencies and school boards who recognize the importance of working together toward the ... more
ON, Canada
Zones desservies Grey County, Bruce County
12 - 20 ans
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Mission A leader committed to investing in individuals affected by learning disabilities so they are accepted, supported and empowered. Vision Create ... more
3640 Wells Street, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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Carizon specializes in children’s mental health, youth engagement and development, family violence services, individual and family counselling, parental ... more
400 Queen St. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 1L2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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35 Weber St. W., Kitchener, ON, N2H 3Z1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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*Serves approximately 60,000 students in the Region of Waterloo. *Schools provide instruction designed to develop in our junior kindergarten to grade 12 ... more
51 Ardelt Avenue, Kitchener, ON, N2C 2R5 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
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Le Conseil scolaire catholique Franco-Nord est un regroupement dynamique de personnes qui tiennent à cœur la qualité de l’éducation en langue française ... more
681-C rue Chippewa Ouest, North Bay, ON, P1B 6G8 Carte
Région desservie Nipissing District
4 - 18 ans
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Le Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud accueille plus de 14 500 élèves, au sein de ses 43 écoles élémentaires et 10 écoles secondaires ... more
Toronto, ON
Région desservie Ontario
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

9100 Jane Street, Vaughan, ON, L4K 0A4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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Toronto, ON
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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100 The East Mall, Etobicoke, ON, M8Z 5X2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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320 Osgoode St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8C8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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99 Kakulu Drive, Kanata, ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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323 Knox Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0K9 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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37 George St. North, Brampton, ON, L6X 1R5 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
15 ans et plus
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Patrica Bidgood & Associates
900 Guelph St, Kitchener, ON, N2H 5Z6 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 ans et plus
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490 York Road, Guelph, ON, N1E 3J1 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
Jusqu'à 25 ans
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2. Écoles innovatrices


L'école alternative est pour les élèves dont les besoins ne sont pas comblés par les écoles ordinaires, pour toutes sortes de raisons, y compris lesétudiants qui ont des enfants, des emplois à temps partiel, ou qui ont tout simplement un autre style d'apprentissage qui ne cadre pas avec le courant dominant.. En général, d'autres écoles offrent des classes plus petites, avec plus d'une occasion pour une interaction individuelle avec les enseignants.


En Ontario, les étudiants travaillent sur un cours à la fois, et peuvent suivre six cours ou plus durant l'année scolaire. Chaque classe compte 21 élèves qui travaillent sur les cours individuels, à leur propre rythme. Contactez votre conseil scolaire local pour plus d'informations.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Fernie House Child and Youth Services offers a few core services to the youth who reside at Fernie Hourse which include Child Welfare ... more
Pickering, ON, L1V 2R4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
6 - 18 ans
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40 Humewood Drive, Toronto, ON, M6C 2W4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 21 ans
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The Massey Centre for Women is an award-winning, non-profit, community agency located in Toronto, that provides housing and resources for pregnant teens, young ... more
1102 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4K 2S5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 21 ans
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Elizabeth Wyn Wood is one of the alternate programs in the OCDSB. more
20 Rossland Avenue, Ottawa (nepean), ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Provides an alternate form of schooling for students experiencing difficulties in the traditional secondary school. Our program is designed to allow for a ... more
1453 Stittsville Main Steet, Ottawa (stittsville), ON, K2S 1A3 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
15 - 21 ans
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M.F. McHugh Education Centre provides educational programs and services to students who are in Care and/or Treatment, Custody and Correctional Facilities ... more
437 Donald Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 1L8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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La Maison Sainte-Marie est un organisme basé à Ottawa qui offre une gamme complète de programmes et services sociaux aux jeunes femmes enceintes, aux jeunes ... more
780 l'Eglise Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 3K7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 24 ans
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Norman Johnston is one of the alternative schools under the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). more
2401 Cleroux Crescent, Ottawa (gloucester), ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Richard Pfaff is one of the alternative schools under the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). more
160 Percy Street, Ottawa, ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Helps young single mothers provide a brighter future for themselves and their children. In a caring atmosphere, young mothers can complete their high school ... more
150 Mann Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 8P4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
15 - 21 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Canada eSchool is an Ontario-based private high school specializing in distance education programs for students globally. All courses offered by eSchool are ... more
1033 Main St W, Hamilton, ON, L8S 1B7 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Provides learning and social opportunities for children and teens. Positive living skills incorporated into lessons about horses! Geared for children with ... more
16455 Myers Road, Lunenburg, ON, K0C 1R0 Carte
3 ans et plus
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The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario operates 39 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools in 8 counties in Eastern Ontario. more
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Carte
1-800-267-7136 (Sans frais)
4 - 21 ans
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St. Matthew C.S.S. offers alternative educational programs for students in grades 9-12. St. Matthew C.S.S. is based on the proven concept that education can ... more
822 Marlborough Street, Cornwall, ON, K6H 4B4 Carte
14 - 21 ans
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We embrace the alternative learning style by engaging in activity-based learning. We provide students with quality education that caters to their learning ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Simcoe County
4 - 18 ans
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Waypoint's Rehabilitation Services discover where you are at in the change process, help illuminate a meaningful pathway in your mental health recovery and set ... more
287 Bayshore Dr., Midland, ON, L4R 5E7 Carte
705-549-3181 x2544
Région desservie Simcoe County
16 ans et plus
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The Adult Education Program for clients of the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and community is part of the Waypoint's Rehabilitation Services ... more
500 Church Street, Penetanguishene, ON, L9M 1G3 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Our goal is to empower young women who are pregnant and planning to parent or place their baby for adoption to make healthy choices for themselves and their ... more
231 Herbert Street, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1V1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 - 24 ans
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*Provides residential treatment for children and youth with severe emotional, mental health, developmental, and behavioural needs. *Our treatment facility consists of eight individual group homes. more
26 Dorset St, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3L5 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
6 - 17 ans
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*Serves approximately 60,000 students in the Region of Waterloo. *Schools provide instruction designed to develop in our junior kindergarten to grade 12 ... more
51 Ardelt Avenue, Kitchener, ON, N2C 2R5 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Bayfield is a private rural setting designed for male youth with special needs. Children referred to Bayfield have experienced psychiatric, psychological, ... more
Consecon, ON, K0K 1T0 Carte
Région desservie Hastings County
7 - 18 ans
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
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La FIA est un organisme de bienfaisance pour enfants enregistré qui fournit des groupes de soutien entre pairs aux enfants, de la 4e année au collège et à ... more
29 Madison Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5R 2S2 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Operation Come Home is an employment, education, and support centre for homeless and at-risk youth age 16 and up. Our programs focus on what works and what ... more
150 Gloucester St, Ottawa, ON, K2P 0A6 Carte
Région desservie Canada
16 - 29 ans
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

100 The East Mall, Etobicoke, ON, M8Z 5X2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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AAC and Literacy Ottawa
Ottawa, ON
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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320 Osgoode St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8C8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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37 George St. North, Brampton, ON, L6X 1R5 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
15 ans et plus
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3. Programmes de traitement de jour

Day Treatment refers to an intensive type of outpatient services that is more intensive than standard outpatient services (e.g. seeing someone once every 1-2 weeks) but yet is not as intensive as an inpatient stay.


For children and youth, day treatment programs may occur at therapeutic school programs, or take place at hospitals. For adults, day treatment programs are commonly offered at hospitals.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Le centre de santé mentale Royal Ottawa spécialise dans les services de santé mentale. Les services incluent une grande variété de services hospitaliers ... more
1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Z 7K4 Carte
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
16 ans et plus
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CHEO provides a variety of Day Treatment Programs, such as: * Back on Track School Program (for youth with troubles attending school due to anxiety or mood ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
4 - 18 ans
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The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program (CAMHCP) provides clinical services for children and youth up to 17 years of age and their families. ... more
800 Commissioners Road East, London, ON, N6A 5W9 Carte
Région desservie South West
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Adventure Place is a registered, charitable multi-service agency. Adventure Place works with families and other care providers to strengthen children’s ... more
155 McNicoll Ave., Toronto, ON, M2H 2C1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 7 ans
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Accredited Children’s Mental Health Centre which serves youth up to age 24 and their families, providing various mental health services. more
65 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1G7 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
12 - 24 ans
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CORE serves emotionally stressed adults, especially those with severe behaviour problems resulting from mental illness and/or developmental ... more
160 Springhurst Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6K 1C2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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Child Development Institute (CDI), an accredited children’s mental health agency in Toronto, is a groundbreaker in developing innovative programming. We ... more
197 Euclid Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6J 2J8 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Offers a range of mental health services to adolescents and coordinates residential services for children and youth with complex special needs. Delisle ... more
40 Orchard View Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4R 1B9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
13 - 21 ans
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At EHN Bellwood Toronto, we can help. We provide treatment for people with alcohol and drug addictions, eating disorders and a variety of compulsive or ... more
175 Brentcliffe Rd, Toronto, ON, M4G 0C5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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We support and inspire those affected by eating disorders. With both residential and day services, we are able to treat a range of eating disorders including ... more
175 Brentcliffe Road, Toronto, ON, M4G 0C5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
14 ans et plus
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Community based children's mental health centre, accredited by Children's Mental Health Ontario, which has been serving young people and their families in the ... more
1200 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON, M1H 3C3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 - 30 ans
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The George Hull Centre for Children and Families is an accredited children’s mental health centre serving children and youth, from birth to age 18, and their ... more
600 The East Mall, Toronto, ON, M9B 4B1 Carte
416-622-8833 x258
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Children's mental health facility providing various mental health services, including prevention, early intervention, treatment, education, and research. ... more
440 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2H4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 21 ans
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Reconnect Mental Health Services is a community mental health agency that provides a range of recovery-based programs for adults experiencing serious mental ... more
56 Aberfoyle Crescent, Toronto, ON, M8X 2W4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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EHN Canada is the largest network of industry-leading private mental health, trauma, and addiction treatment facilities, each with a passion for providing ... more
175 Brentcliffe Rd, Toronto, ON, M4G 0C5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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In 2020, Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre and East Metro Youth Services amalgamated to form Strides Toronto, a multi-service agency addressing the ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 29 ans
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Accredited children's mental health agency offering: * Child and Youth Mental Health Counseling and Consultation Services * Services for Children with ... more
65 Hartsdale Dr., Etobicoke, ON, M6N 4X6 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
3 - 24 ans
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TURNING POINT YOUTH SERVICES is a multi-service accredited children's mental health centre. We are located in Toronto's downtown core and provide a range of ... more
95 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
12 - 24 ans
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Program of Villa Charities that provides various services for the Italian community in the Toronto area, in Italian and English.   Serves youth and adults ... more
4301 Weston Road, Toronto, ON, M9L 2Y3 Carte
416-749-6234 x4163783271
Région desservie Toronto
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Hospital serving Etobicoke and Brampton, Ontario, with 2 Brampton campus, and an Etobicoke Campus. Mental health services include inpatient and outpatient ... more
101 Humber College Blvd, Etobicoke, ON, M9V 1R8 Carte
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Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) (formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Hospital) is a public hospital providing a wide range ... more
700 Gordon St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5N1 Carte
12 ans et plus
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ABA & IBI Therapy at Home, Daycare or School for Developing Language. Crucial Academic & Social Skills. Autism & Behaviour Intervention & ... more
Toronto, ON
2 - 18 ans
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Fournit une grande variété de * services de santé mentale * services sociaux * lutte contre les dépendances. AP est une fusion du Centre psychosocial et de la Maison Fraternité depuis 2020. more
150 chemin Montréal, Ottawa, ON, K1L 8H2 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Serving youth aged 12-17, the Centre is an integrated children's mental health agency dedicated to the treatment of severely troubled, behaviourally and ... more
1737 Woodward Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2C 0P9 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
12 - 17 ans
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An accredited children’s mental health treatment centre serving children (up to age 12) with serious behavioural or emotional difficulties, working with the ... more
1755 Courtwood Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K2C 3J2 Carte
613-723-1623 x232
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 12 ans
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** By appointment only** The Child & Family Clinic at Crossroads provides free, quick access to a counselling session for families seeking help for ... more
1755 Courtwood Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K2C 3J2 Carte
613-723-1623 x232
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 12 ans
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J.F. Norwood House is transitional housing offering supportive living for women and families. Drawing from community support and contributions, we offer women ... more
Ottawa, ON, K1K 1N6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 ans et plus
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Programme spécialisé pour les troubles concomitants. - Clinique AGIR: traitement de groupe spécialisé pour les individus souffrant de troubles mentaux ... more
713 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON, K1K 0T2 Carte
613-746-4621 x3916
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 - 65 ans
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Program for youth who 1) have not attended school regularly over the past 6 months due to depression and/or anxiety, and 2) would like to work towards ... more
140 Main Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5P4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
13 - 17 ans
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La Maison Sainte-Marie est un organisme basé à Ottawa qui offre une gamme complète de programmes et services sociaux aux jeunes femmes enceintes, aux jeunes ... more
780 l'Eglise Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 3K7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 24 ans
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LGBTTQ+ Around the Rainbow is a community-based program which provides a full range of education, counselling and support services offered by Family Services ... more
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Carte
613-725-3601 x105
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Organisme franco-ontarien de l'autisme visant à répondre aux besoins de la personne atteinte d'autisme ainsi qu'à ceux de sa famille tout en faisant la ... more
240 Centrum blvd., Orleans, ON, K1E 3J4 Carte
613-830-4196 x300
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Spectrum Intervention Group is a non-profit centre that provides education, of children and youth, who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder ... more
19 Grenfell Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K2G 0G3 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
2 - 21 ans
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Youturn provides intensive services and supports to youth in conflict with the law, and their families. Our goal is to help our clients shift to active ... more
250 City Centre, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
12 - 17 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Our Centre provides programming in 7 areas. Health Care (Doctors, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals), Health Promotion, Our Health ... more
678 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8M 1K2 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Publicly funded charitable organization in the City of Hamilton which provides a spectrum of innovative and evidence-based, mental health services, including ... more
526 Upper Paradise Road, Hamilton, ON, L9C 5E3 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Pediatric academic health science centre serving the special and unique healthcare needs of children using a family-centred model of care. Services ... more
1200 Main St. W, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3Z5 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Regional Pediatric Eating Disorders Program offering outpatient, inpatient and day treatment assessment and follow up therapy. Multidisciplinary care. more
1200 Main St. W, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3Z5 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario operates 39 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools in 8 counties in Eastern Ontario. more
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Carte
1-800-267-7136 (Sans frais)
4 - 21 ans
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The Day Treatment Program provides a combination of both education and mental health care to children and youth who are unable to cope in a regular school ... more
1520 Cumberland Street, Cornwall, ON Carte
4 - 14 ans
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Child and Youth Counselling Services (CYCS) is a community based mental health program sponsored by the Cornwall Community Hospital which provides assessment, ... more
850 McConnell Avenue, Cornwall, ON, K6H 3M4 Carte
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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The John Howard Society is a community based organization that supports people who are at risk or involved in the criminal justice system through service, reform, education and advocacy. more
316 Syndicate Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 1E2 Carte
Région desservie Thunder Bay District
18 ans et plus
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Programs Include: Skills Building Services Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Workshops for Parents Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Workshops for ... more
1159 Alloy Drive, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 6M8 Carte
Région desservie Thunder Bay District
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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We embrace the alternative learning style by engaging in activity-based learning. We provide students with quality education that caters to their learning ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Simcoe County
4 - 18 ans
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Craigwood Youth Services provides a continuum of care and service to adolescents and their families in the communities of South Western Ontario through various ... more
520 Hamilton Road, London, ON, N5Z 1S4 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
12 - 18 ans
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The Durham Family Court Clinic (DFCC) is an innovative, progressive charitable organization that is dedicated to fostering a healthy and safe community by ... more
44 Richmond Street West, Oshawa, ON, L1G 1C7 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
12 - 18 ans
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Lead agency for child and youth mental health services including counseling / therapy * Autism Program * Forensic Services * Kinark Outdoor Centre * Supervised Access. more
20 Sunray Street, Whitby, ON, L1N 8Y3 Carte
Jusqu'à 12 ans
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Rouge Valley Health System is an acute care community hospital, with many programs including 24/7/365 emergency, cardiac care and mental ... more
580 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, ON, L1S 2J4 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
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Frontenac Youth Services Offers a Walk-In Clinic for adolescents 12-18 years of age Single Session Counselling starting at 9am Fridays, with Last Session at ... more
1160 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, ON, L1H 5L8 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
12 - 18 ans
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Provides support including Case Management, Counselling, Vocational Services, Therapeutic Recreation, Wellness Education, and Housing to those suffering from addictions and mental health issues. more
25 Front Ave, Brockville, ON, K6V 4J2 Carte
16 ans et plus
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Comme nous reconnaissons que chaque situation est particulière, tous nos programmes et services sont conçus pour répondre aux attentes de nos clients tout ... more
62 Frood Road, Sudbury, ON, P3C 4Z3 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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NISA is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. We develop occupational skills, nurture self-confidence and provide resources for ... more
36 Elgin Street, Sudbury, ON, P3C 5B4 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
16 ans et plus
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Serenity House Hospice is committed to empowering families through life threatening illness through support, education and resources with community partners. ... more
20 Flora Street, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 2X4 Carte
Région desservie Elgin County
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As a Schedule 1 Psychiatric Facility with 19 adult care beds, we offer a wide range of in and outpatient services to residents of Oxford County, which include ... more
310 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, ON, N4V 0A4 Carte
Région desservie Oxford County
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An integrated Child Protection and Children’s Mental Health agency. We promote, support and protect the mental, physical, emotional and social well-being of ... more
49 Pine Street, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1K8 Carte
Région desservie Lambton County
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We are an addictions and mental health centre committed to the development of an informed, inclusive and safe community. Medical rapid access clinic for ... more
15 John Street, Leamington, ON, N8H 1H1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
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The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and  adolescents, who are dealing with social, emotional, ... more
3901 Connaught Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9C 4H4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Maryvale is an adolescent treatment centre. We offer crisis services, day treatment, access to Child Psychiatrists and Positive Parenting Program for ... more
3640 rue Wells St, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 17 ans
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Le Joshua Creek Heritage Art Center propose une éducation dans les domaines des arts, du bien-être et de la nature. De par leur conception, les programmes ... more
1086 Burnhamthorpe, Oakville, ON, L6H 7B2 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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Inpatient, outpatient and emergency mental health services for children, youth, adults and seniors. Provided through Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, ... more
3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville, ON, L6M 0L8 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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The Centre an accredited children's mental health centre who provides group based treatment programs and counselling for children and youth and their families ... more
4225 New St., Burlington, ON, L7L 1T3 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
7 - 18 ans
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The Centre an accredited children's mental health centre who provides group based treatment programs and counselling for children and youth and their families ... more
4225 New St., Burlington, ON, L7L 1T3 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
7 - 18 ans
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EveryMind est une organisation accréditée qui fournit des services de santé mentale de haute qualité pour les nourrissons, les enfants, les jeunes, les ... more
85A Aventura Court, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2Y6 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 25 ans
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If your family has social, emotional and behavioural concerns, Camino can help. We provide programs and services for children, youth and families affected by ... more
400 Queen St. S, Kitchener, ON, N2G 1W7 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Carizon specializes in children’s mental health, youth engagement and development, family violence services, individual and family counselling, parental ... more
400 Queen St. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 1L2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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A charitable human service agency that currently serves more than 42,000 low-income women, men, youth and children annually through 19 programs. Inspired by ... more
51 Charles St. E., Kitchener, ON, N2G 4R3 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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A two week day treatment program for adult women who are concerned with their substance use. This program has a holistic health focus that emphasizes the ... more
71 Ann St., Kitchener, ON, N2B 3T3 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
18 ans et plus
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Treatment services for women who are substance involved and pregnant and/or parenting children under age 6. Options include: Individual Support, Individual ... more
215 King Street South, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1R2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Our goal is to empower young women who are pregnant and planning to parent or place their baby for adoption to make healthy choices for themselves and their ... more
231 Herbert Street, Waterloo, ON, N2J 1V1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 - 24 ans
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Parents/guardians are a vital component of each youth’s treatment plan and are required to attend regular sessions and monthly family meetings with a Ray of ... more
1081 King St. East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 2N1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
13 - 17 ans
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Provides a complete range of preventative and supportive interventions for children, adolescents and their families who are coping with behavioural, emotional ... more
285 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo, ON, N2J 3Z4 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Provides services for developmentally challenged individuals with physical & emotional impairments in Waterloo Region; and operating MCSS’ Developmental ... more
2749 Kingsway Drive, Kitchener, ON, N2C 1A7 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
2 - 66 ans
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Connor Homes is an accredited private residential treatment and foster care system of homes in operation since 1994 and licensed under the Child and family ... more
RR #4, 5 Hearthstone Road, Campbellford, ON, K0L 1L0 Carte
Région desservie Northumberland County
7 - 18 ans
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Dalhousie Youth Support Services seeks to provide a nurturing, safe environment for youth having been in conflict with the criminal justice system. Our ... more
189 Dalhousie Street, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6Z3 Carte
Région desservie Peterborough County
12 - 17 ans
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Specifically serves active military service members, veterans, first responders or frontline healthcare professionals. Specific issues addressed are: * ... more
2225 Lansdowne St. West, Peterborough, ON, K9J 0G5 Carte
Région desservie Peterborough County
18 ans et plus
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Day programming for adults with cognitive challenges offering options for after high school life. Various programs include: functional literacy, vocational ... more
4300 Steeles Ave W, Vaughan, ON, L4L 4C2 Carte
21 ans et plus
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Provides a range of psycho-social services for children, youth and families. Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team based upon a holistic approach ... more
11225 Leslie St, Richmond Hill, ON, L4S 1N5 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Since 1937, Bethesda has provided a wide range of supports and services to individuals (children, youth, and adults) in Niagara, Hamilton, Brant, and ... more
3280 Schmon Parkway, Thorold, ON, L2V 4Y6 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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Various addictions services for problems with alcohol/drugs and gambling including: Intake; Assessment/Referral; Community Counselling/Treatment; Family ... more
60 James St, St. Catharines, ON, L2R 7E7 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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A non-profit agency with an office in Welland providing mental health counselling services to clients living in the Niagara Region. more
449 Thorold Road, Welland, ON, L3C 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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(PLEASE NOTE: Intake/Referral contact number listed under toll free heading for contact information - all referrals and intake through Contact Niagara) ... more
3340 Schmon Parkway, Thorold, ON, L2V 4Y6 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Fournit des services aux enfants de la naissance à 18 ans dans les comtés de Frontenac Lennox & Addington. Nous répondons à plus de 1 000 références ... more
31 Hyperion Court, Kingston, ON, K7K 7G3 Carte
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Non-profit private corporation which offers a continuum of services in Frontenac County for people with a serious mental health illness. Programs/Services ... more
552 Princess Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 1C7 Carte
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INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ... more
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Une approche holistique dans le traitement des femmes pour l’abus de substances par des pratiques fondées sur des preuves. Nous sommes centrés sur les femmes dans tout ce que nous faisons. more
5305 Adstoll Ave., Windsor, ON, N8T 1G9
Région desservie Ontario
16 ans et plus
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North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services (NEOFACS) is an integrated agency, providing services to children, youth and their families in the ... more
68 Aura Lake Street, Schumacher, ON, P0N 1G0 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Cochrane District, Timiskaming
12 - 15 ans
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Government funded addictions programs in Thunder Bay. Services include: *Outpatient individual and group counselling * Four week residential women's ... more
301 Lillie Street North, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 0A6 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
13 ans et plus
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

4915 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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4915 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON, M2R 1X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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5863 Leslie St., North York, ON, M2H 1J8
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Unknown
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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47 Aspenwood Dr, Toronto, ON, M3H 2E3
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
18 - 90 ans
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BASI Therapy and Counselling
Scarborough, ON, M1E 1B2
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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4950 Yonge St, North York, ON, M2N 6K1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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175 Dorset St W, Port Hope, ON, L1A 1G4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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40 Orchard View Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M4R 1B9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Unknown
12 - 24 ans
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3701 Lakeshore Blvd W, Mississauga, ON, M8W 1P8
21 - 45 ans
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1280 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M3J 3K6 Carte
Tous âges
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Prime Mental Health Services
70 Haney Drive, Thorold, ON, L2V 0G6 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
19 - 75 ans
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A1 Counselling and Anger Management
4915 Bathurst St,, Toronto, ON, M2R 1X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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124 Merton St, Toronto, ON, M4S 2Z2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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443 Manse Rd, Toronto, ON, M1E 3V7
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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174 Bedford Road, Toronto, ON, M5R 2K9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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100 The East Mall, Etobicoke, ON, M8Z 5X2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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TMS Life
250 City Centre Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Oui
17 ans et plus
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Ottawa Addiction Treatment Services
286 Zephyr avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2B 5Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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8222 Highway 93, Tiny, ON, L0K 2E1 Carte
Tous âges
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Mills Gosse Psychology
467 Westney Rd S, Ajax, ON, L1S 6V7 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
Accepting patients: Unknown
2 ans et plus
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744 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9A 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
16 ans et plus
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1320 Cornwall Road, Oakville, ON, L6J 7W5 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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2525 Old Bronte Road, Oakville, ON, L6M 4J2 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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185 Plains Road East, Burlington, ON, L7T 2C4 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Unknown
16 ans et plus
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89 Queensway West, Mississauga, ON, L5V 2B2 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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285 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo, ON, N2J 3Z4 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
12 - 18 ans
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Maxwelton Therapy Group
646 Paisley Rd, Guelph, ON, N1K 1A4 Carte
18 ans et plus
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Cleidemar Teani
64 Hunter S. W., Peterborough, ON, K9H 2K4 Carte
Région desservie Peterborough County
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person
16 ans et plus
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6633 Highway #7, Markham, ON, L3P 7P2 Carte
905-202-2031 x3
Accepting patients: Unknown
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Thorold, ON
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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4030 Montrose Rd, Niagara Falls, ON, L2H 3E1 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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449 Thorold Road, Welland, ON, L3C 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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205 King Street, St. Catharine's, ON, L2R 3J5 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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48 Dundas St W, Belleville, ON, K8P 1A3 Carte
Accepting patients: Oui (New individuals can be self or physician referred for psychotherapy with crisis services available.)
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
Tous âges
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2143 Avenue du Suroit, Mascouche, QC, J7L 4G4
1-877-254-3348 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Canada
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4. Pensionnats thérapeutiques

Les écoles privées thérapeutiques offrent du soutien additionnel aux adolescents aux prises avec des problèmes émotifs, de comportement ou d'estime de soi et de motivation.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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The Pine River Institute is a residential treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for 13 to 19 year olds in crisis. Students have a history of ... more
Shelburne, ON, L0N 1S0 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
13 - 19 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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99 Kakulu Drive, Kanata, ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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5. Programme de mentorat

Les programmes qui offrent du mentorat sont des programmes dans lequel une personne plus expérimentée aide une personne moins expérimentée.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Community based children's mental health centre, accredited by Children's Mental Health Ontario, which has been serving young people and their families in the ... more
1200 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON, M1H 3C3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 - 30 ans
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Depuis plus de 20 ans, Jeunesse Ottawa fournit aux jeunes d'Ottawa des ressources, de la formation et du soutien pour acquérir les compétences, la confiance ... more
Ottawa, ON
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Provides learning and social opportunities for children and teens. Positive living skills incorporated into lessons about horses! Geared for children with ... more
16455 Myers Road, Lunenburg, ON, K0C 1R0 Carte
3 ans et plus
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NISA is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. We develop occupational skills, nurture self-confidence and provide resources for ... more
36 Elgin Street, Sudbury, ON, P3C 5B4 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
16 ans et plus
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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Carizon specializes in children’s mental health, youth engagement and development, family violence services, individual and family counselling, parental ... more
400 Queen St. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 1L2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Provides special needs children/adults, school age children and elderly with a reading program, anti-bullying campaign, regular visits, all with therapy dogs more
81 Bald Street, Welland, ON, L3C 5C1 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
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Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families. * Therapy & ... more
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Toronto, Middlesex County, Ottawa-Carleton
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

9100 Jane Street, Vaughan, ON, L4K 0A4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Unknown
12 ans et plus
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323 Knox Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0K9 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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The H Factor Solutions
4300 village centre court, Mississauga, ON, L5B 4P2
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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Heartspace Physical Therapy For Children
40 Mountain Street, St. Catharines, ON, L2T 2S4 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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6. Promotion de la santé/sensibilisation publique

Health promotion (including mental health promotion) is providing information and/or education in order to educate individuals, families and communicates so that they can empower their own health.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

A mental health promotion and early intervention program run ‘by youth for youth' with full professional support through the Children's Hospital of Eastern ... more
2305 St-Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON, K1G 4J8 Carte
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
13 - 20 ans
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Le programme P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth) - programme de prévention des traumatismes liés à la consommation d'alcool et aux ... more
1053 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4E9 Carte
613-798-5555 x19602
Région desservie RLISS de Champlain
15 - 18 ans
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Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Boost is committed to eliminating abuse and violence in the lives of children, youth, and their families. The centre is a registered charity and provides ... more
890 Yonge, Toronto, ON, M4W 3P4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Community based children's mental health centre, accredited by Children's Mental Health Ontario, which has been serving young people and their families in the ... more
1200 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON, M1H 3C3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 - 30 ans
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The program provides services to infants and preschoolers, and their families, who live in a number of different neighbourhoods in the northwest section of ... more
Northwestern Toronto, ON Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 16 ans
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TAIBU CHC est un organisme communautaire multidisciplinaire sans but lucratif créé pour servir la communauté noire de la région du Grand Toronto en tant ... more
27 Tapscott road, Toronto, ON, M1B 4Y7 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is a charity and a distinguished leader in the professional training, research and delivery of mindfulness-based ... more
180 Sudbury Street, Toronto, ON, M6J 0A8 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
13 ans et plus
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TURNING POINT YOUTH SERVICES is a multi-service accredited children's mental health centre. We are located in Toronto's downtown core and provide a range of ... more
95 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2X9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
12 - 24 ans
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Provides confidential sessions with a professional counsellor for individuals, couples, and families. Services provided on evenings and weekends, in six ... more
3377 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2M 3S4 Carte
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Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) (formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Hospital) is a public hospital providing a wide range ... more
700 Gordon St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5N1 Carte
12 ans et plus
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Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une carrière qui a une influence favorable sur la vie d'autres personnes et au sein de la collectivité, nous pouvons vous ... more
400 Elliott, Kingston, ON, K7K 6M9
Région desservie Central East
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Le Centre de ressources communautaires d’Ottawa ouest vous met en relation avec les services et les ressources dont vous avez besoin, et ce, que vous soyez ... more
2 MacNeil Court, Ottawa (kanata), ON, K2L 4H7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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The Bully Prevention Program aims to reduce the level of physical and emotional aggression within schools by implementing a comprehensive community-wide ... more
2 MacNeil Court, Ottawa (kanata), ON, K2L 4H7 Carte
613-591-0484 (Numéro d’ATS :)
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Santé publique Ottawa (SPO) a la responsabilité, en vertu de la loi, d'assurer la prestation de services de santé publique, y compris de services de ... more
100 Constellation Cres, Ottawa, ON, K2G 6J8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Located in Ottawa, the DSYTC is a non-profit, residential and community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (13-21) and families across Ontario ... more
112 Willowlea Road, Carp, ON, KOA 1LO Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
13 - 21 ans
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Akwe:go est un mot Mohawk qui signifie « tout le monde » ou « nous tous ». Il s'agit du nom d'un programme unique en son genre qui s'adresse aux enfants ... more
ON, Canada
1-866-821-7770 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
7 - 18 ans
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Non-profit agency serving adults, adolescents and family members who are or have been affected by addictions, substance abuse or problem gambling. Various ... more
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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Chance incroyable d’apprentissage et d’augmentation des compétences. YN/RA est à la recherche d’individus responsables, matures et créatifs entre 20 ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
20 - 30 ans
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* Plumes et pinceaux : Programme d'art qui porte sur des mécanismes pour composer avec le stress grâce aux arts visuels et à la création littéraire. * ... more
2305 St Laurent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 4J8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
13 - 20 ans
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Youturn provides intensive services and supports to youth in conflict with the law, and their families. Our goal is to help our clients shift to active ... more
250 City Centre, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
12 - 17 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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100 Main St. West, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3L1 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Tous âges
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Presently, Rygiel Supports for Community Living supports 186 by providing full time residential services, respite services and some day supports. more
220 Cranbrook Dr, Hamilton, ON, L9C 5V7 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
18 ans et plus
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Services include: Ontario Early Years Centres programs Healthy Babies, Healthy Children School-age programs Youth drop-ins Transitional housing more
52 Catherine Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8R 1J1 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Maison Interlude House est un organisme francophone sans but lucratif qui offre une multitude de services en français et en anglais. Sa raison d’être est ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
16 ans et plus
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Assure la promotion et la protection de la santé et du bien-être de notre population en prévenant les maladies et les blessures et en favorisant un ... more
1000 Pitt, Cornwall, ON, K6J 5T1 Carte
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The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario operates 39 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools in 8 counties in Eastern Ontario. more
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Carte
1-800-267-7136 (Sans frais)
4 - 21 ans
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Le programme des pratiques parentales positives—Triple P est une stratégie de soutien familial à l’intention des parents et des fournisseurs de soins. ... more
ON, Canada
1-844-362-8593 (Sans frais)
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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CMHA Thunder Bay offers a range of programs and services, from support services to training workshops and crisis intervention. See the complete list of our ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Thunder Bay District
16 ans et plus
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Community Awareness Program aims to reduce the stigma of mental illness in society through a variety of methods, including workshops on a variety of mental ... more
39 High Street, Barrie, ON, L4N 1W2 Carte
705-726-5033 x18004614319
Région desservie Simcoe County
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La Clé est un organisme catalyseur au service de la communauté francophone du comté de Simcoe. more
63 rue Main, Penetanguishene, ON, L9M 2G3 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Ldays is a charitable non-profit organization which was established in 1976. We provide leadership in Learning Disabilities advocacy, research, education and ... more
9030 Leslie St. #216, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 1G2 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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This service is for families with children up to 6 years of age who are experiencing social, emotional or behavioural problems. Services include: Parent ... more
165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
Jusqu'à 6 ans
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Walk-in Clinics are the first step in accessing services at New Path. Walk in Clinics provide free, single-session mental health counselling for children ... more
165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Rainbows is an International Organization celebrating over 25 years of experience with grieving youth and adults. Over 2.6 million satisfied participants, ... more
80 Bradford St, Barrie, ON, L4N 6S7 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Welcome to Simcoe Peer Support for Mental Health & Addictions. We are a self help peer support and resource center for people who have or are experiencing ... more
100 Pretty river parkway, north, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 4X2 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
16 ans et plus
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The South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre (SGB CHC) services the residents of Blue Mountains, Clearview Township, Wasaga Beach, Collingwood and Elmvale. A ... more
14 Ramblewood Drive, Wasaga Beach, ON, L9Z 0C4 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Looking for a dynamic speaker for your next special event, meeting or conference?   Do you need a board member who has personal experience with poverty, ... more
1499 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, M6R 1A3 Carte
416-504-1693 x228
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Hope's Garden provides information and support for all those suffering from eating disorders, disordered eating, and for their friends and family. more
478 Waterloo St., London, ON, N6B 2P6 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
14 ans et plus
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1064 Colborne Street, London, ON, N6A 4B3 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
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WAYS Mental Health Support is a not-for-profit, community-based, accredited agency that supports children, youth and families in London-Middlesex and ... more
714 York St, London, ON, N5W 2S8 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
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We help by: Providing counselling and hands-on de-cluttering sessions Teaching life skills such as coping strategies, organization and problem ... more
105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, ON, L1N 1C4 Carte
1-888-314-6622 x4218
Région desservie Durham Region
18 ans et plus
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Free and confidential counselling and advocacy services to women and female youth who have been affected by recent or historical sexual violence.   Services ... more
8 King St.E, Oshawa, ON, L1H 8T2
Région desservie Durham Region
16 ans et plus
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Serving children youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities with Individualized applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapy. ... more
900 Hopkins Street, Whitby, ON, L1N 6A9 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
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Le Centre Victoria pour femmes est un organisme à but non-lucratif et charitable au service des femmes francophones qui luttent contre toutes les formes de ... more
Sudbury, ON, P3E 4P2
Région desservie Sudbury District
16 ans et plus
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NISA is an organization run by and for consumers of mental health services. We develop occupational skills, nurture self-confidence and provide resources for ... more
36 Elgin Street, Sudbury, ON, P3C 5B4 Carte
Région desservie Sudbury District
16 ans et plus
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The Grey Bruce ‘We CARE’ Project is an initiative of community agencies and school boards who recognize the importance of working together toward the ... more
ON, Canada
Zones desservies Grey County, Bruce County
12 - 20 ans
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An integrated Child Protection and Children’s Mental Health agency. We promote, support and protect the mental, physical, emotional and social well-being of ... more
49 Pine Street, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1K8 Carte
Région desservie Lambton County
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Radius Child and Youth Services provides specialized clinical assessments, counselling and services that help children and youth heal from the trauma of abuse, ... more
60 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON, L6K 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Le Joshua Creek Heritage Art Center propose une éducation dans les domaines des arts, du bien-être et de la nature. De par leur conception, les programmes ... more
1086 Burnhamthorpe, Oakville, ON, L6H 7B2 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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Reach Out Centre for Kids is a child, youth, and family mental health centre. We provide a multi-disciplinary approach to the assessment and treatment of ... more
471 Pearl Street, Burlington, ON, L7R 4M4 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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This program allows juniors between the ages of 6 and 12 the opportunity to be matched with a volunteer between the ages of 16 and 24. This program is designed ... more
497 Elizabeth St., Burlington, ON, L7R 2M4 Carte
905-639-2800 x224
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
6 - 12 ans
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services is an accredited children's mental health centre that provides a comprehensive range of services for children and ... more
69 Flatt Rd, Burlington, ON, L7P 0T3 Carte
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Various programs and services for individuals with mental health needs.   * ACT Team (age 16+ years; Brampton East of Highway 410 and Town of Bolton ) * ... more
7700 Hurontario Street, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4M3 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
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EveryMind est une organisation accréditée qui fournit des services de santé mentale de haute qualité pour les nourrissons, les enfants, les jeunes, les ... more
85A Aventura Court, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2Y6 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 25 ans
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A not for profit, counselling agency committed to strengthening emotional and spiritual well-being. Individual, children, couples counselling, family ... more
470 Weber St, North, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6J2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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We provide sexual health counselling and educational services based upon a strong belief in self determination, and an understanding that we all need accurate ... more
151 Frederick St., Kitchener, ON, N2H 2M2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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*A non profit, voluntary council comprised of 20 representatives from Waterloo Region. *Promotes a community wide strategy to reduce the incidence of ... more
285 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo, ON, N2J 3Z4 Carte
519-884-1470 x2143
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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Offers programs for families in Wilmot and Wellesley Townships, including: *Early Years Program *Youth Programs *Resource & Toy Lending Libraries *Food ... more
175 Waterloo St., New Hamburg, ON, N3A 1S3 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes is a leading provider of prevention and early intervention programs which support the physical, mental, educational and ... more
107 Lindsay Street, Lindsay, ON, K9V 2M5 Carte
Région desservie Kawartha Lakes (City of)
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360ºkids is a community-based organization empowering children, youth and families through prevention, education and advocacy to enhance their overall well-being. more
80 F Centurian Drive, Markham, ON, L3R 8C1 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
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Health Services include: Community Health Program Diabetes Education & Resource Early Childhood Development Home & Community Care ... more
58 Semo Road, Garden Village, ON, P2B 3K9 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
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115 Chipman Street, Kenora, ON, P9N 3X4 Carte
Région desservie Kenora District
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Founded in 2003, in response to the increase of deaths by suicide in the Niagara Region, the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition (NSPC) was formed from over ... more
ON, Canada
1-866-550-5205 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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The Kingston Branch of the CMHA provides various services for individuals affected by mental illness in the Kingston Area. more
400 Elliot, Kingston, ON, K7K 6M9 Carte
Région desservie Frontenac County
16 ans et plus
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50 Adelaide Street, Chatham, ON, N7M 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Chatham-Kent Municipality
Tous âges
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
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The Misiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre is established to provide quality programs and services that honour, respect and support Aboriginal ... more
130 Wilson Avenue, Timmins, ON, P4N 2S9 Carte
Région desservie Cochrane District
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Community Counselling and Residential Services provide holistic programs based on Ǫgwehǫ:weh teachings that integrate the mind, body and spirit. The ... more
1781 Chiefswood Road, Ohsweken, ON, N0A 1M0 Carte
Région desservie Brant County
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FASD Stakeholders for Ontario is a group that works together to address issues related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the province. Our ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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Les premières années d'un enfant, d'avant la naissance jusqu'à l'âge de six ans, sont très importantes. Les bébés en bonne santé sont plus susceptibles ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 6 ans
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We also focus on the physical well-being of our clients; while at Newgate 180 you will eat delicious, healthy food prepared specifically for you by our ... more
435 Main St E, Merrickville, ON, K0G 1N0 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
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Le PSJJ mettre en œuvre des programmes éducatifs de prévention destinés vise à sensibiliser les jeunes aux problèmes de jeu, à l'importance de choisir ... more
180 Argyle Ave, Ottawa, ON, K2P 1B7 Carte
613-237-1320 x5170
Région desservie Ontario
8 - 24 ans
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Provide open-ended ongoing facilitated peer support groups for children and teens 3 - 18 years of age, and their parents/guardians. Also offer grief support ... more
2522 Rebecca Street, Oakville, ON, L6L 6N8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
3 - 18 ans
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Professional association of mental health practitioners with 2,500 members throughout Ontario who work in a variety of settings, such as community clinics, ... more
586 Eglinton, Toronto, ON, M4P 1P2
Région desservie Ontario
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CASP provides information and resources to communities to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicidal behaviour. We do not ... more
Ottawa, ON, K1N 3W0
Région desservie Canada
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Centre for Family Initiatives extends Pine River’s knowledge and experience to serve not just our most acute populations but to work with families and care ... more
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Zones desservies Canada, Ontario
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"Arrêtons la violence familiale" (anciennement National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (NCFV)) est un guichet unique d'information pour les ... more
200 Eglantine Driveway, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9 Carte
1-800-561-5643 (Numéro d’ATS :)
Région desservie Canada
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L’une des initiatives-clés de la Commission de la santé mentale du Canada est d’élaborer une stratégie pour la santé mentale au Canada. Dans le cadre ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Nous travaillons pour mettre fin à l'intimidation, à la discrimination et à l'homophobie dans les écoles et les communautés au Canada et à l'étranger. ... more
440 Albert St., Ottawa, ON, K1R 5B5 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Protects the health and safety of Canadians through the prevention of chronic disease and injuries, public health emergencies, and infectious disease. more
130 Colonnade Road, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Stigma-Free Society is a registered Canadian charity that provides education about stigma with an emphasis on mental health. Our resources support ... more
BC, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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mindyourmind.ca is an award winning site for youth by youth. This is a place where you can get info, resources and the tools to help you manage stress, crisis ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

1778 Nash Road, Courtice, ON, L1E 2L9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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778 Sheppard Avenue, North York, ON, M3H 2T1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
15 ans et plus
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2200 2200 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, M6S 1N4
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
12 ans et plus
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Back to the Breath - Counselling, Psychotherapy and Mindfulness Training
Toronto, ON, M6B
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
18 ans et plus
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Catherine Bancroft Consulting
590 Markham St, Toronto, ON, M6G 2L8 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
7 ans et plus
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Sarah K Johnson
717 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, M6G 1L5 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
18 ans et plus
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18 Wynford Drive, Toronto, ON, M3C 3S2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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20 De Boers Drive, Toronto, ON, M3J 0H1 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
18 ans et plus
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150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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1390 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2C 3N6 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
14 ans et plus
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320 Osgoode St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8C8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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ON, Canada
Tous âges
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Jacques Legault, Psychologist
92 Saint-Raymond, Gatineau, QC, J8Y-1S7
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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323 Knox Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0K9 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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be brave * be kind * be present
11 Barton, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5M6
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Yes, however there is a waitlist.
Tous âges
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2150 Robertson Rd., Ottawa, ON, K2H 9S1 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
18 ans et plus
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Peakminds Psychology Services
391 First Street, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 1B3 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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SOLUTIONS Rehabilitation & Consulting
5 Quarry Ridge, Barrie, ON, L4M 7G1 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
Tous âges
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36 King Street East, Bowmanville, ON, L1C 1R3 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
Tous âges
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ON, Canada
1-888-454-6275 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Durham Region
6 - 12 ans
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LillyB Counselling
14107 Belmont, Belmont, ON Carte
Région desservie Elgin County
13 ans et plus
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The H Factor Solutions
4300 village centre court, Mississauga, ON, L5B 4P2
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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Momenta Clinic for Psychological Wellness
5100 Rutherford Rd, Vaughan, ON, L4H 2T3 Carte
Accepting patients: Oui
12 ans et plus
Ajouter au Panier Info
99 Queen Street South, Mississauga, ON, L5M 1K7 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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745 Coronation Blvd, Cambridge, ON, N1R 7R1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Unknown
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St. Catharines, ON Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
2 ans et plus
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St. Catharines, ON
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
14 ans et plus
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Heartspace Physical Therapy For Children
40 Mountain Street, St. Catharines, ON, L2T 2S4 Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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Shawn Rumble Counselling Services
310-5060 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor, ON, N8T 1C1
Région desservie Chatham-Kent Municipality
Accepting patients: No, we are not currently accepting any new clients or patients.
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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7 St Anne St., St. Albert, AB, T8N 2X4 Carte
Région desservie Canada
18 ans et plus
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Whitby,, ON Carte
Région desservie Canada
10 - 25 ans
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7. Autres ressources pédagogiques ou scolaires

Cet article décrit d'autres ressources scolaires qui ne peuvent pas  s'intégrer dans d'autres catégories.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Une méthode physique thérapeutique de l'enseignement des cinq compétences mondiales à savoir, l'attention conjointe, développement moteur, la ... more
67 Mount Victoria, Hudson, QC, J0P 1H0
438-321-1564 x4504587271
Zones desservies Québec, Ottawa-Carleton, Toronto
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Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Beyond the Door Behaviour Associates Inc. (BTD) is committed to helping children living with neuro-developmental disorders (including Autism Spectrum Disorder) ... more
5863 Leslie St, Toronto, ON, M2H 1J8
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More than a place to stay, we provide 24/7 crisis care and have the widest range of services under one roof, including education, counselling, health care and ... more
20 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON, M5B 2P3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
13 - 24 ans
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Redirection Through Education (R.T.E.) is an adult community mental health program jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and the ... more
1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M2J 2X5 Carte
416-491-5050 x2920
Région desservie Toronto
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Street Haven at the Crossroads serves women with a variety of programs which includes: * The Haven: an 36 bed emergency, short-term shelter * Hostel ... more
87 Pembroke Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 2N9 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
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Provides confidential sessions with a professional counsellor for individuals, couples, and families. Services provided on evenings and weekends, in six ... more
3377 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, M2M 3S4 Carte
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Le Centre de ressources communautaires d’Ottawa ouest vous met en relation avec les services et les ressources dont vous avez besoin, et ce, que vous soyez ... more
2 MacNeil Court, Ottawa (kanata), ON, K2L 4H7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Helps adults upgrade reading, writing, math and other essential skills to prepare them for 1) adult high school, 2) other education and training,  3) work ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
19 ans et plus
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School program for adults aged 18 , who have been out of school for at least 6-months. Semestered program running Sep-January and February to June, which ... more
300 Rochester Street, Ottawa, ON, K1R 7N4 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Our goal is to increase emotional regulation, self-control, and problem-solving skills to help keep children in school and out of trouble. Our 13-week program ... more
1719 Bank street, Ottawa, ON, K1V 7Z4 Carte
613-733-5478 x225
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
6 - 11 ans
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Youturn provides intensive services and supports to youth in conflict with the law, and their families. Our goal is to help our clients shift to active ... more
250 City Centre, Ottawa, ON, K1R 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
12 - 17 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Services include: Ontario Early Years Centres programs Healthy Babies, Healthy Children School-age programs Youth drop-ins Transitional housing more
52 Catherine Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8R 1J1 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Provides learning and social opportunities for children and teens. Positive living skills incorporated into lessons about horses! Geared for children with ... more
16455 Myers Road, Lunenburg, ON, K0C 1R0 Carte
3 ans et plus
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The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario operates 39 elementary schools and 10 secondary schools in 8 counties in Eastern Ontario. more
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 Carte
1-800-267-7136 (Sans frais)
4 - 21 ans
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Fournis des services de garde d'endants de langue francaise pour enfants agés de 2 ans et demis a 4 ans. more
1500 Holy Cross Boulevard, Cornwall, ON, K6H 2X1 Carte
2 - 12 ans
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Success by 6 values every childhood development in the first six years of life as vital for a child's success.  It's vision is the healthy growth and ... more
331 Water Street, Cornwall, ON, K6H 5T2 Carte
Jusqu'à 6 ans
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Programmes de counseling Nord du Supérieur est un organisme communautaire de santé mentale et de traitement de la toxicomanie. Nous fournissons un éventail ... more
16 Front, Nipigon, ON, P0T 2J0 Carte
Région desservie Thunder Bay District
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This service is for elementary and secondary schools looking for community supports to enhance healthy child and youth development and to reduce social, ... more
165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
5 - 18 ans
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Rainbows is an International Organization celebrating over 25 years of experience with grieving youth and adults. Over 2.6 million satisfied participants, ... more
80 Bradford St, Barrie, ON, L4N 6S7 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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Waypoint's Rehabilitation Services discover where you are at in the change process, help illuminate a meaningful pathway in your mental health recovery and set ... more
287 Bayshore Dr., Midland, ON, L4R 5E7 Carte
705-549-3181 x2544
Région desservie Simcoe County
16 ans et plus
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The Adult Education Program for clients of the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care and community is part of the Waypoint's Rehabilitation Services ... more
500 Church Street, Penetanguishene, ON, L9M 1G3 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
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WAYS Mental Health Support is a not-for-profit, community-based, accredited agency that supports children, youth and families in London-Middlesex and ... more
714 York St, London, ON, N5W 2S8 Carte
Région desservie Middlesex County
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The Elgin Association for Community Living provides supports and services, primarily to people with developmental disabilities and their families to enable ... more
400 Talbot St, St. Thomas, ON, N5P 1B9 Carte
Région desservie Elgin County
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Huron Safe Homes for Youth is a non-profit organization funded primarily by the Ministry of Children and Youth. Without the generous financial support that ... more
Goderich, ON, N7A 4C7 Carte
519-235-0433 x18003611640
Région desservie Huron County
16 - 18 ans
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An integrated Child Protection and Children’s Mental Health agency. We promote, support and protect the mental, physical, emotional and social well-being of ... more
49 Pine Street, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 1K8 Carte
Région desservie Lambton County
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Radius Child and Youth Services provides specialized clinical assessments, counselling and services that help children and youth heal from the trauma of abuse, ... more
60 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON, L6K 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Le Joshua Creek Heritage Art Center propose une éducation dans les domaines des arts, du bien-être et de la nature. De par leur conception, les programmes ... more
1086 Burnhamthorpe, Oakville, ON, L6H 7B2 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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Our Kids Network is at the forefront of using research and collaboration to reduce the impact of negative influences on children’s development and put ... more
1445 Norjohn Court, Burlington, ON, L7L 0E6 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Safetynet is a wraparound service that offers free clothing, diapers, housewares, and furniture to families living below the poverty line. One to One ... more
226 Randall Street, Oakville, ON, L6J 1P7 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
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* assists individuals with barriers to employment to assess and upgrade work strengths and employment potential * provides an opportunity to set and meet ... more
388 Main St E, Milton, ON, L9T 1P8 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
16 ans et plus
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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We are a charitable organization which strengthens the abilities of adults, children, youth and their families who are, or are at risk of, experiencing serious ... more
160 Traders Blvd E, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 3K7 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
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EveryMind est une organisation accréditée qui fournit des services de santé mentale de haute qualité pour les nourrissons, les enfants, les jeunes, les ... more
85A Aventura Court, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2Y6 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Jusqu'à 25 ans
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We are a charitable, non-profit organization (CRA Reg. No. 11901 0379 RR0001) dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and adults with learning ... more
5070 Fairwind Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5R 2N4 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
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The CMHA, Waterloo Wellington branch, promotes the mental health of all and supports the recovery of people experiencing mental health issues in ... more
67 King St East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 2K4 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Carizon specializes in children’s mental health, youth engagement and development, family violence services, individual and family counselling, parental ... more
400 Queen St. S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 1L2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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A not for profit, counselling agency committed to strengthening emotional and spiritual well-being. Individual, children, couples counselling, family ... more
470 Weber St, North, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6J2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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KW Counselling Services is a multi-service agency providing individual, family, group and outreach supports to the community. Inspired by a deep commitment to ... more
480 Charles Street East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4K5 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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A multi-service agency offering counselling supports to individuals, couples and families in Waterloo Region. In addition to our counselling work we offer a ... more
480 Charles Street, East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4K5 Carte
519-884-0000 x222
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a national, charitable organization whose mission is to advocate for and provide services to people with ... more
295 Broadway, Orangeville, ON, L9W 1L2 Carte
519-938-8776 x18669388776
Région desservie Dufferin County
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The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a national, charitable organization whose mission is to advocate for and provide services to people with ... more
147 Wyndham St. N, Guelph, ON, N1H 4E9 Carte
519-836-6220 x18882552642
Région desservie Wellington County
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Family Services York Region (FSYR) provides affordable professional counselling to individuals (children, adolescents and adults) as well as couples and ... more
1091 Gorham Street, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 7V1 Carte
905-895-2371 x18882233999
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
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Shelter and drop-in center for youth experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the northern part of York Region. Our aim is to be a welcoming, ... more
20898 Dalton Road, Sutton, ON, L0E 1R0 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
16 - 26 ans
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offers over 500 grief resources ie: book, ceramics, HUGS Program and Training, Empathy Bear, The Where is Robert? Grief Kit and much more. We offer ... more
272 Vansickle Road, St. Catharines, ON Carte
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
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50 Adelaide Street, Chatham, ON, N7M 6K7 Carte
Région desservie Chatham-Kent Municipality
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
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The Misiway Milopemahtesewin Community Health Centre is established to provide quality programs and services that honour, respect and support Aboriginal ... more
130 Wilson Avenue, Timmins, ON, P4N 2S9 Carte
Région desservie Cochrane District
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The Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) is directly operated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. CPRI provides ... more
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Middlesex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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The ILC Ask a Teacher service is a free, online service that connects students in Gr. 9-12 with Ontario Certified teachers in online chatrooms, for free. Using ... more
2180 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4T 2T1 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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L'Institut du Savoir rassemble les gens et les connaissances pour renforcer la qualité et l'efficacité des services en santé mentale et de lutte contre les ... more
695 Industrial Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0Z1 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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National, not-for-profit, registered charitable organization with a mandate to reduce youth violence and make our schools and communities safer. The ... more
111 Peter Steet, Toronto, ON, M5V 2H1 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

9100 Jane Street, Vaughan, ON, L4K 0A4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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245 245 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M4V 1R3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
6 ans et plus
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Toronto, ON
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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720 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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426 Eglinton Ave, Toronto, ON, M4S 3H8 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 ans et plus
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67 McCaul St, Toronto, ON, M5T 2W7 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
Tous âges
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99 Kakulu Drive, Kanata, ON Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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Zanon Speech Therapy
38 Auriga Drive, Nepean, ON, K2E 8A5 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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323 Knox Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K1G 0K9 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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be brave * be kind * be present
11 Barton, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5M6
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Accepting patients: Yes, however there is a waitlist.
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190 Colonnade Road, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7J5 Carte
Région desservie Comité Lanark
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Room for Growth Counselling Services
361 Catherine st, Pembroke, ON, K8A 1W1 Carte
Région desservie Comité de Renfrew
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Simcoe County
Tous âges
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109 Toronto Street, Barrie, ON, L4N 1V1 Carte
Région desservie Simcoe County
6 ans et plus
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Ghemraoui Psychologist Services Inc.
112 Rebecca St, Oakville, ON, L6K 1J3 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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Momenta Clinic for Psychological Wellness
5100 Rutherford Rd, Vaughan, ON, L4H 2T3 Carte
Accepting patients: Oui
12 ans et plus
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1505 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, ON, L5G 3H7
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Unknown
Tous âges
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99 Queen Street South, Mississauga, ON, L5M 1K7 Carte
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
Tous âges
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745 Coronation Blvd, Cambridge, ON, N1R 7R1 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Unknown
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Progressive Behavior Therapy
ON, Canada
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
1 - 18 ans
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Karen Ferguson Psychological Services
490 York Road building A, Guelph, ON, N1E 6V1 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
Accepting patients: Oui
7 - 18 ans
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37 Southbourne Ave., Toronto, ON, M3H 1A4 Carte
Région desservie York (Regional Municipality)
2 - 18 ans
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Learning Potentials
ON, Canada
Région desservie Niagara Regional Municipality
18 - 60 ans
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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8. Les écoles indépendantes

Les écoles indépendantes (également connu sous le nom des écoles privées) sont des écoles qui sont financées par les frais de scolarité et d'autres moyens, plutôt que d'être financé publiquement par l'argent des contribuables. Beaucoup d'écoles indépendantes ont des salles de classe qui peuvent fournir un soutien spécifique aux élèves ayant des besoins de santé d'apprentissage et mentale.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Une méthode physique thérapeutique de l'enseignement des cinq compétences mondiales à savoir, l'attention conjointe, développement moteur, la ... more
67 Mount Victoria, Hudson, QC, J0P 1H0
438-321-1564 x4504587271
Zones desservies Québec, Ottawa-Carleton, Toronto
Tous âges
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Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Schooling & ABA Services for Children with Autism and other Learning Exceptionalities. more
4630 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON, M3H 5S4 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
2 ans et plus
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Community based children's mental health centre, accredited by Children's Mental Health Ontario, which has been serving young people and their families in the ... more
1200 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON, M1H 3C3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 - 30 ans
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Established in 1989, Heritage Academy is an Ontario Inspected Private school specifically designed for students with Dyslexia and other language based ... more
207 Bayswater Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 2G5 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
6 - 21 ans
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Provides learning and social opportunities for children and teens. Positive living skills incorporated into lessons about horses! Geared for children with ... more
16455 Myers Road, Lunenburg, ON, K0C 1R0 Carte
3 ans et plus
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We are a non-profit education program for children with learning disabilities and those otherwise struggling in the current public school system. more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Simcoe County
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In addition to providing structured, challenging academic programs for all of its students, Wildwood is also designed to provide the support that children with ... more
2250 Sheridan Garden Dr, Oakville, ON, L6J 7T1 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
7 - 14 ans
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Treatment services for children, youth and their families, experiencing social, emotional, psychological and/or psychiatric difficulties. more
69 Flatt Road, Burlington, ON, L7R 3X5 Carte
Région desservie Halton Regional Municipality
5 - 15 ans
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Providing wholistic health services using experiential, relational based therapy, for children and youth of all cultures, beliefs, sexual orientation and social class. more
ON, Canada
Tous âges
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The Ontario Federation of Independent Schools (OFIS) (i.e. private schools) is a legally incorporated, duly constituted coalition of non-sectarian schools, ... more
2199 Regency Terrace, Ottawa, ON, K2C 1H2 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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La FIA est un organisme de bienfaisance pour enfants enregistré qui fournit des groupes de soutien entre pairs aux enfants, de la 4e année au collège et à ... more
29 Madison Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5R 2S2 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is a national registered charity dedicated to nurturing resilience in kids with the use of psychological science so ... more
AB, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 17 ans
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

245 245 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M4V 1R3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Accepting patients: Oui
6 ans et plus
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100 The East Mall, Etobicoke, ON, M8Z 5X2 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
Tous âges
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150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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320 Osgoode St., Ottawa, ON, K1N 8C8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Simcoe County
4 - 18 ans
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1020 Matheson BlVd East, Mississauga, ON, L4W 4J9
Région desservie Peel Regional Municipality
4 - 18 ans
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9. Public Speaking

Public speaking consists of providing talks, presentations for audiences around a specific topic. 

Publicly Funded / Free Services

La plateforme Autisme-Asperger-Québec (AAQc) se veut une plateforme informative, éducative et inclusive sur l’autisme, les troubles du spectre de ... more
QC, Canada
Zones desservies Québec, World
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Our history is one rich in education, advocacy, support and an unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum and their ... more
140 Yonge St, Toronto, ON, M5C 1X6
Région desservie Toronto
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Community based children's mental health centre, accredited by Children's Mental Health Ontario, which has been serving young people and their families in the ... more
1200 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON, M1H 3C3 Carte
Région desservie Toronto
5 - 30 ans
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Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) (formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Hospital) is a public hospital providing a wide range ... more
700 Gordon St, Whitby, ON, L1N 5N1 Carte
12 ans et plus
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Ausome Ottawa is local registered charity that enriches the lives of kids and their families through sport and recreation. An opportunity for every kid with ... more
2451 Riverside Dr., Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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Le Centre de ressources communautaires d’Ottawa ouest vous met en relation avec les services et les ressources dont vous avez besoin, et ce, que vous soyez ... more
2 MacNeil Court, Ottawa (kanata), ON, K2L 4H7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
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180 Sudbury Street, Toronto, ON, M6J 0A8 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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The YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program (YGAP) is a collaboration between the YMCA of Greater Toronto and 18 local YMCAs, consisting of 19 Youth Outreach ... more
235 McNabb Street, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B 1Y3 Carte
Région desservie Algoma District
8 - 24 ans
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Actif dans l’éducation, la prévention et la sensibilisation auprès de la population, le Centre Novas – CALACS francophone de Prescott-Russell offre une ... more
Casselman, ON, K0A 1M0
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
16 ans et plus
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Maison Interlude House est un organisme francophone sans but lucratif qui offre une multitude de services en français et en anglais. Sa raison d’être est ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Comté de Prescott-Russell
16 ans et plus
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Serving children youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities with Individualized applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapy. ... more
900 Hopkins Street, Whitby, ON, L1N 6A9 Carte
Région desservie Durham Region
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Maryvale is an adolescent treatment centre. We offer crisis services, day treatment, access to Child Psychiatrists and Positive Parenting Program for ... more
3640 rue Wells St, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 17 ans
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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A not for profit, counselling agency committed to strengthening emotional and spiritual well-being. Individual, children, couples counselling, family ... more
470 Weber St, North, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6J2 Carte
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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A multi-service agency offering counselling supports to individuals, couples and families in Waterloo Region. In addition to our counselling work we offer a ... more
480 Charles Street, East, Kitchener, ON, N2G 4K5 Carte
519-884-0000 x222
Région desservie Waterloo Regional Municipality
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Centre for Family Initiatives extends Pine River’s knowledge and experience to serve not just our most acute populations but to work with families and care ... more
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Zones desservies Canada, Ontario
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

Amanda Telford Counselling
265 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2E 1S2 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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150 Isabella Street, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1V7 Carte
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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Jacques Legault, Psychologist
92 Saint-Raymond, Gatineau, QC, J8Y-1S7
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton
Tous âges
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275 10th St., Hanover, ON, N4N 1P1 Carte
Région desservie Grey County
3 ans et plus
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Something missing from our directory? Help your community by suggesting a resource!
Can't find what you were looking for? Contactez un service d'information et d'aiguillage.
Ressources énumérées par d'autres organisations
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
“Red Flags” is a Quick Reference Guide for Early Years professionals.Red Flags outlines a range of functional indicators or domains commonly used to monitor healthy child development, as well as potential problem areas for child development. It is intended to assist in the determination of when and where to refer for additional advice, formal assessment and/or treatment.
Posted: Sep 28, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
"From Rollercoaster to Recovery" is a detailed guide for families and individuals on how to navigate the addictions and mental health system in the Champlain LHIN.
Posted: May 2, 2013
Language: EN,FR
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO)
Zone de chalandise: RLISS de Champlain
La présente trousse renferme les ressources et les services de soutien en santé mentale offerts dans la région d'Ottawa.
Posted: Aug 16, 2017
Language: EN,FR
Community Resource Connections of Toronto (CRCT)
Zone de chalandise: Toronto
Finding mental health services can be complicated, especially for newcomers. This guide for newcomers helps with navigating and finding mental health services in Toronto.
Posted: Jun 21, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Central West
A directory of resources, organizations and services in Waterloo Region, Wellington County, and Dufferin County.
Posted: Jul 19, 2012
Language: EN
Santé publique Ottawa (SPO)
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
La présente trousse renferme les ressources et les services de soutien en santé mentale offerts dans la région d’Ottawa. Cette trousse ne s’agit pas d’une liste exhaustive de tous les services de soutien, mais plutôt d’un point de départ. N’hésitez pas à voir comment les ressources pourraient vous (le proche aidant) aider ou la personne (enfant, jeune, adulte, personnes âgées) dont vous prenez soin à cheminer sur la voie de la guérison.
Posted: Sep 22, 2016
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Liste concise des services de santé mentale et de toxicomanie dans la région d'Ottawa.
Posted: Dec 10, 2018
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Posted: Jul 4, 2014
Language: EN,FR
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
A map of child/youth mental health services in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. If printed out, it is meant to be printed out on legal size and poster size, and posted in waiting areas or in a clinic.
Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Concise list of Ottawa area mental health resources for youth prepared by Youthnet, a program of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 22, 2015
Language: EN,FR
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
Longer list of Ottawa area mental health resources prepared by Youthnet, a progam of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO).
Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Ottawa-Carleton
List of Ottawa community resources for transitional aged youth (age 16-24).
Posted: May 13, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Comité de Renfrew
List of key child/youth mental health resources for primary health care providers.
Posted: Apr 1, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Simcoe County
Community resource list for South Simcoe by the CMHA York Region Branch.
Posted: Apr 20, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Middlesex County
Pamphlet of financial resources and other supports.
Posted: Jul 3, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Sudbury District
List of child, youth and family mental health resources for Subdury area prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in 2011.
Posted: Feb 24, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Sudbury District
Comprehensive list of mental health resources for Sudbury/Manitoulin from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in Sudbury/Manitoulin.
Posted: Mar 28, 2012
Language: EN
Elgin St. Thomas Public Health
Zone de chalandise: Elgin County
Directory of various programs/services of interest to children, youth and families in Elgin County.
Posted: Feb 5, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Halton Regional Municipality
This resource guide is intended to help families, caregivers, and members of the community in navigating and understanding the child and youth mental health system.
Posted: Sep 18, 2013
Language: EN
Peel Service Collaborative
Zone de chalandise: Peel Regional Municipality
Guide to mental health services in the Peel region.
Posted: Nov 9, 2015
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jun 12, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Posted: Jul 11, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Waterloo Regional Municipality
Local resource book for those living, working or supporting someone with a disability.
Posted: Aug 29, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Haliburton County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for the Mental Health Literacy Project in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Posted: Jan 28, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Provided by TAMI Niagara and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Posted: Feb 26, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
List of child/youth mental health resources in Niagara area, prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, as part of the Mental Health Literacy Project in Mar 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Niagara Regional Municipality
Information about suicide for individuals living in the Niagara area, including information about the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST), 1-800-263-4944.
Posted: Sep 11, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Hastings County
List of child/youth mental health resources prepared by the Ontario Centre of Excellence as part of the Mental Health Literacy initiative in March 2011.
Posted: Mar 4, 2011
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Zone de chalandise: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
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