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Nom de l'événement

Pétition éducation pour la santé mentale en ligne
Campagne de sensibilisation
For: Grand public
Fourni par: Région de Niagara Région Santé Publique

Date et l'heure

Thu Aug 7 to wed 31 dec 2014 (Cet événement est terminé)

Lieu de la conférence

Description de l'évenement

We are a youth-lead advocacy group called REACT, based out of Niagara Region Public Health. We focus on issues surrounding mental health among our peers and our goal is to evoke change around the stigma in our community. We are running a postcard campaign with the intent to implement mental health education into the Grade 9 Health and Physical Education Curriculum. This education would help to eradicate the stigma that surrounds mental illness.

We would greatly appreciate your support in our campaign by participating in the online petition and sharing the petition (online).

Here is the link to the online petition:

Plus d'information



Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in which they are received.

This event is listed under these topics

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Autisme et troubles du spectre autistique
Problèmes de comportement
Troubles du développement, déficience intellectuelle et incapacités connexes
Troubles du comportement alimentaire, y compris l’anorexie et la boulimie
Syndrome d’alcoolisation foetale et ensemble des troubles connexes (ETCAF)
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 7 Aug 2014
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