A Smart Community is a community that has made a conscious effort to use information technology to transform life and work within its region in significant and fundamental, rather than incremental, ways.
The Windsor and Essex County Smart Community, through its Connecting Windsor-Essex activities, will provide participant organizations, entities, families and individuals with community engagement, governance, access to infrastructure and on-line services, as well as smart results that demonstrate new opportunities, well-being and connectedness to improve the quality of life in learning, work and play.
The Windsor and Essex County Smart Community, through its Connecting Windsor-Essex activities, will provide participant organizations, entities, families and individuals with community engagement, governance, access to infrastructure and on-line services, as well as smart results that demonstrate new opportunities, well-being and connectedness to improve the quality of life in learning, work and play.
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Essex County Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets
Dernière modification 12 Feb 2009