Durham Region, ON
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Services aux familles d’Ottawa
Services à la famille Ottawa est une agence d'aide sociale qui offre divers services tels que du counselling et du soutien aux individus, aux couples ou aux familles, des programmes communautaires, des programmes d'action sociale, des programmes contre la violence, des services particuliers pour les questions de séparations, de divorces et de garde. Services à la famille Ottawa est une agence Centraide.
312 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais, Français
Frais Oui
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton

Programmes et services inclussent

LGBTQ Counselling 18+
Program/Service of : Services aux familles d’Ottawa
LGBTQ-identified counsellor who works with individuals and couples ages 18 plus on coming out, exploring gender identity or sexual identity and other emotional issues. For direct referrals and intake please contact (613) 725-3601 ext .117. For service provider queries contact Megan (613) 725-3601 ext 120.
312 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
613-725-3601 x117
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
LGBTTQ+ Around the Rainbow
Program/Service of : Services aux familles d’Ottawa
LGBTTQ+ Around the Rainbow is a community-based program which provides a full range of education, counselling and support services offered by Family Services Ottawa. We support the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, trans, two spirit, queer, queerspawn, intersex, asexual and questioning (LGBTTQ+) communities and allies.
312 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
613-725-3601 x105
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
Support group for parent(s) & caregiver(s) of gender creative/independent & transgender children, teens & young adults
Program/Service of : Services aux familles d’Ottawa
Do you have a child, teen or young adult who is gender creative, gender independent, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, genderqueer or transgender?
Are you interested in meeting with other parent(s) & caregiver(s)?
Are you looking for support, connection, information and resources?

Family Services Ottawa and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario have collaborated to host an ongoing support group for parent(s) and caregiver(s).

Occurs first Tuesday of every month, starting March 4, 2014.
Location: 312 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4X5, Family Services Ottawa

As dates/locations may change, contact Family Services Ottawa for details.
312 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5 Map
613-725-3601 x105
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais, Français
Frais Aucun
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Gestion de la colère
Thérapies familiales et de couple
Séparation et divorce
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Troubles de l'humeur
Traitement et soutien en santé mentale
Santé mentale en général
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 2 Nov 2011
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