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Centre de Résilience d'Ottawa
Pratique privée
OCFR is a mental health centre for childhood trauma & dissociation, attachment, adoption, and high-conflict families for Ottawa and surrounding areas. We enjoy working with hard to reach, at-risk children, youth and families. We work with those struggling with disruptive behaviours, self-regulation, attachment, and sexual behaviour issues related to histories of adverse childhood experiences, complex developmental trauma, adoption related issues, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and involvement with the child welfare and/or criminal justice systems. We also work with issues related to divorce including: co-parenting, high-conflict families, and reunification.
204-2197 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X8 Map
Télécopier: 613-317-1829
Âges servis: Jusqu'à 65 ans
Langue: Anglais, Français
Frais Oui ($60 - $200 / hour)
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
Région desservie Ottawa-Carleton

Programmes et services inclussent

Dr. Catherine Horvath
Program/Service of : Centre de Résilience d'Ottawa
I am a registered clinical and forensic psychologist and the Founder and Executive Director of the Ottawa Centre for Resilience (OCFR), a mental health centre for childhood trauma, attachment, adoption, and high-conflict families in Ottawa and surrounding regions. I and the clinicians at OCFR focus on working with hard to engage, high-risk children, youth, and families. We work with those struggling with disruptive behaviours, self-regulation, attachment, and sexual behaviour issues related to histories of adverse childhood experiences, complex developmental trauma, adoption related issues, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and involvement with the child welfare and/or criminal justice systems. We also work with issues related to divorce including: co-parenting, high-conflict families, and reunification.

We have a particular interest in offering parenting/caregiver interventions and family therapy, whenever possible because parents are the most influential people in their children's lives, and children and adolescents have a better chance of improvement if the whole family is supported.
204-2197 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X8 Map
Âges servis: Jusqu'à 19 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui ($200/hour)
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
Jennifer Hopton
Program/Service of : Centre de Résilience d'Ottawa
Mental health centre for childhood trauma, attachment, adoption, and high-conflict families for Ottawa and surrounding areas.
204-2197 Riverside Dr
Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X8 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui
Tiffany Peterson
Program/Service of : Centre de Résilience d'Ottawa
Registered social worker with extensive experience working with diverse children, youth, and families in the child welfare, mental health, and youth criminal justice systems.

Specializes in working with children and youth who have experienced developmental trauma, adverse childhood experiences and those involved in the child welfare system. Specifically, I have competencies working in the areas of attachment, disruptive behaviors, grief and loss.

I embrace a strength-based approach that empowers children and families to work through complex issues impacting their overall mental health and well-being.

At the Ottawa Centre for Resilience (OCFR) I use a brain-based approach to improving the problems children and youth come struggle with in an effort to increase their daily functioning. These services are grounded in an understanding of child development and how stress and adversity can derail healthy development.
204-2197 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X8 Map
Âges servis: 6 - 19 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Oui (135.00)
À voir: Client/familles peuvent se référer
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Problèmes de comportement
Syndrome d’alcoolisation foetale et ensemble des troubles connexes (ETCAF)
Thérapies familiales et de couple
Troubles de l’apprentissage
Séparation et divorce
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 9 Jun 2021
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