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- Knowledge about anxiety conditions
- An understanding of the impact of nutrition and
stress on symptoms of anxiety
- Self-management techniques including deep
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and
mindfulness techniques
- An understanding of how automatic thoughts,
unconscious rules / beliefs, and thinking styles
contribute to anxiety
- Effective communication skills
- The ability to use graduated exposure to reduce
symptoms of anxiety
- Goal setting and follow-through
- Positive coping strategies to replace negative
coping strategies
- Assertiveness skills (e.g., setting boundaries,
constructive criticism)
Nom de l'événement
14 Week Anxiety Management Workshop (West End)
For: Grand public
Fourni par: Anxiety Disorders Association of Ontario
Date et l'heure
Tue Sep 11 to tue 18 dec 2012
(Every week on mar.)
(Cet événement est terminé)
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Description de l'évenement
The 14-Week Program is a structured educational workshop which provides individuals with information and tools to learn to self-manage their symptoms of anxiety. The goal of the workshop is to help participants develop:- Knowledge about anxiety conditions
- An understanding of the impact of nutrition and
stress on symptoms of anxiety
- Self-management techniques including deep
breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and
mindfulness techniques
- An understanding of how automatic thoughts,
unconscious rules / beliefs, and thinking styles
contribute to anxiety
- Effective communication skills
- The ability to use graduated exposure to reduce
symptoms of anxiety
- Goal setting and follow-through
- Positive coping strategies to replace negative
coping strategies
- Assertiveness skills (e.g., setting boundaries,
constructive criticism)
Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any
endorsement or recommendation of a specific event or organization. Events are posted in the language in
which they are received.
Dernière modification 29 Aug 2012