Hamilton, ON
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Personnes âgées

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Cette section offre des ressources en santé mentale d'intérêt général pour ceux qui sont âgés de 55 ans ou plus.

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Banyan Community Services is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our communities by providing support and leadership to a range of services to at ... more
688 Queensdale Ave E, 2B (2nd Floor), Hamilton, ON, L8M 1K3 Carte
Zones desservies Hamilton, Haldimand-Norfolk Regional Municipality
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Offre des services de counseling, des services médicaux et des services d'immigration pour les populations de langue française de tous âges dans les régions de Hamilton et Niagara. more
1320 Barton East Street, Hamilton, ON, L8H 2W1 Carte
Zones desservies Hamilton, Niagara Regional Municipality
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Good Shepherd serves troubled youth, abused women and children, the dying, the mentally and physically challenged, the hungry and the homeless. Our ultimate ... more
10 Delaware Avenue, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3R1 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Hamilton Health Sciences is comprised of six unique hospitals and a cancer centre. We provide a complete range of acute and specialized health care ... more
1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3Z5 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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The Healing Oasis Program Hamilton provides individual and group trauma psychotherapy as well as ongoing support services (hospital and home visits, doctors' ... more
320 Paling Avenue, Hamilton, ON, L8H 5J8 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
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Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families. * Therapy & ... more
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
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Ligne de soutien provinciale francophone. Pour femmes touchées par la violence. 24/24 7 jours sur 7. Écoute, information, plan de sécurité, références ... more
Toronto, ON, M5G 2P6
Région desservie Ontario
16 ans et plus
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Agnola Care Homes is dedicated to creating a secure and caring environment for individuals requiring support. Our commitment is to empower our residents to ... more
227 Eagle st, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 1J8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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We are a provincial organization that educates and advocates for individuals with mood disorders such as depression. We are dedicated to: * provide ... more
36 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M4R 1A1 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Provides free counselling and therapy for status Natives 18+ throughout Ontario. more
105 Hugill Road, Coboconk, ON, K0M 1K0
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
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Le Secrétariat aux affaires des personnes âgées de l'Ontario a mis au point une large variété de programmes et de services ... more
777 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, M7A 2J4 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Government funded addictions programs in Thunder Bay. Services include: *Outpatient individual and group counselling * Four week residential women's ... more
301 Lillie Street North, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 0A6 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
13 ans et plus
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The Canadian Caregiver Coalition is the national voice for the needs and interests of family caregivers. We are a bilingual, not-for-profit organization made ... more
110 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2P 1B4 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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La Coalition canadienne pour la santé mentale des personnes âgées (CCSMPA) est un organisme national qui représente des particuliers et des organismes de ... more
20 Crown Steel Drive, Markham, ON, L3R 9X9 Carte
Région desservie Canada
65 ans et plus
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Le Chercheur de prestation est un outil en ligne pour aider les gens a trouvé les prestations gouvernementales qui sont disponible pour eux. Cet outil serait ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Services for seniors with relocation and home care transition services as moving from independent living to assisted or retirement living is rarely easy. We ... more
1 Thorncliffe Place Suite, Ottawa, ON, K2H 9N9 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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"We are a unified voice collaborating, educating and innovating for systemic change that ends violence against women making Canada a model for safety in ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Therapy Dog services are provided across Canada by St. John's Ambulance in a wide range of community settings such as: hospitals, seniors residences and care ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

Annette Poechman Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
ON, Canada
Région desservie Hamilton
Accepting patients: Yes, however there is a waitlist. (Easy to add yourself to the wait list)
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
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Annette Poechman Psychotherapy and Counselling Services
178 W 25th Street, Hamilton, ON, L9C 4X6
Zones desservies Hamilton, Halton Regional Municipality
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5115 Harvester Rd, Burlington, ON, L7L 0A3 Carte
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627 Main Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
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1280 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, ON, M3J 3K6 Carte
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Holistic Mind Care Psychotherapy
1822 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4C 1H8 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Accepting patients: Oui
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Dawn Associates
50 DUNDURN ST. S., Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W3 Carte
6 ans et plus
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Kim Rickard Consulting
70 Samantha Street, Richibucto Road, NB, E3A 6V4
Zones desservies Toronto, Hamilton, Peel Regional Municipality
Accepting patients: Oui
16 ans et plus
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2 Heath St, Hamilton, ON, L8H 3Y5 Carte
Région desservie Hamilton
Accepting patients: Oui
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144 Thorold Road, Welland, ON, L3C 3V4 Carte
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7 Innovation Dr, Hamilton, ON, L9H 7H9 Carte
1-844-866-8348 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Hamilton
Accepting patients: Unknown
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ON, Canada
Zones desservies Ontario, Nouveau Brunswick
16 ans et plus
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BC, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Accepting patients: Oui
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Ressources énumérées par d'autres organisations
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Zone de chalandise: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
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