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Traitement en établissement (hospitalisation)
Inpatient services are where a patient stays at a hospital in order to receive care, and can be useful when less intensive services (e.g. outpatient services) have not been enough.
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres feature personalized treatment programs for those suffering from substance or behavioural addiction. The programs at ...
5483 Trafalgar Road North, Guelph, ON, N0B 1T0 Carte
Zones desservies Wellington County, Toronto, Central South, York (Regional Municipality), Thunder Bay District, South West
18 ans et plus
As a Schedule 1 Psychiatric Facility with 19 adult care beds, we offer a wide range of in and outpatient services to residents of Oxford County, which include ...
310 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, ON, N4V 0A4 Carte
Région desservie Oxford County
Tous âges
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program (CAMHCP) provides clinical services for children and youth up to 17 years of age and their families. ...
800 Commissioners Road East, London, ON, N6A 5W9 Carte
Région desservie South West
Jusqu'à 17 ans
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ...
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Government funded addictions programs in Thunder Bay.
Services include:
*Outpatient individual and group counselling
* Four week residential women's ...
301 Lillie Street North, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 0A6 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
13 ans et plus
Pratique privée ou commerciale
2143 Avenue du Suroit, Mascouche, QC, J7L 4G4
1-877-254-3348 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
22678 Johnston Line, Rodney, ON, N0L 2C0
Région desservie Canada
19 ans et plus