15-yo Dave is referred to see you by his family physician for unstable moods. He was previously seen with depressed mood and started on an SSRI trial. Unfortunately, the trial led to a period of worsening characterized by decreased need for sleep, euphoric moods, increased activities (e.g. increased religiosity with saying prayers, working out in the middle of the night) and talking non-stop. Afterwards, it was followed by a depressive episode where he was feeling suicidal.
His parents ask: “Do we need to increase the dose of his antidepressant?”
Bipolar often starts in childhood and young adulthood
- Up to 2/3 of adult patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder report that their mood symptoms started in childhood/adolescence (Goldstein, 2006)
- Up to 10% report symptoms started before age 13 (Goldstein, 2006)
- Adult
- 1% (Lewinsohn, 1995)
- Youth aged 14-18 (Lewinsohn, 1995)
- 1% with bipolar I, II, cyclothymia
- 6% with Bipolar NOS
- Lifetime rate of bipolar disorder among adolescents is 2.7% (Lewinsohn, 1995; Kessler, 2009; Van Meter, 2011).
Red Flags for Paediatric Bipolar
The following symptoms, especially if episodic, are red flags for bipolar:
- Increased activity and/or elation or silliness.
- Decreased need for sleep, e.g. only sleeping a few hours and then not being tired the next day.
- Presence of psychotic symptoms (e.g. hallucinations, delusions).
Clinical Presentation
Children/youth with bipolar can present:
- With recurrent episodes of mania or hypomania.
- With or without episodes of depression.
Collateral history from parents (and ideally teachers as well) is important, as children/youth may be poor historians regarding their symptoms. Sample questions to ask, that would need to be modified depending on whether you are asking the child/parent/teacher:
Mood |
Tell me about your child’s moods... |
Mania/Hypomania |
Are there high periods? What are the high periods like?
Depressive periods |
Are there low periods? What are the low periods like? During low periods, are there problems with:
Substance Use |
Does your child use any substances? E.g. alcohol? Marijuana? Hallucinogens? |
Mood Charts
Consider asking the parents to help the child/youth with a mood chart.
Websites with free, downloadable mood charts include:
- Centre for Quality Assessment and Improvement in Mental Health
- BpChildren
Apps to track moods include:
- Mood tracker app
Screening Tools
Parent General Behavior Inventory 10-item (PGBI-10M)
- 10-item scale for parents to screen for bipolar in their children
- Scoring instructions
- Scores from each question are added together to form a total score, with higher scores indicating a greater severity of symptoms.
- Scores range from 0 to 30.
- Low scores of 5 and below indicate a very low risk of a bipolar diagnosis.
- High scores of 18 and over indicate a high risk of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, increasing the likelihood by a factor of seven or greater.
- Scores from each question are added together to form a total score, with higher scores indicating a greater severity of symptoms.
- URL: https://moodcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/PGBI-Clinical-Version-.pdf
- Reference: Youngstrom, 2008.
7 Up 7 Down Inventory
- 14-question inventory to screen for bipolar developed by Dr. Youngstrom
- URL: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cBlUQk8Y85LHF41
Child bipolar questionnaire (CBQ)
- 65 question inventory to screen for bipolar. Free to use, though registration is required.
- URL: https://www.jbrf.org/the-child-bipolar-questionnaire-for-families-use/
Diagnosis of Bipolar in Children/Youth under DSM-5
Is it normal vs. bipolar/hypomania?
Normal |
Bipolar / Hypomania |
Increased talkativeness |
May be talkative, but can be interrupted |
Tends to be talkative, and hard to interrupt |
Goal directed activity |
May be extremely active (e.g. those with ADHD) or multi-taskers |
Increased activity from baseline, such as: E.g. activities happening at unusual times (e.g. late at night) E.g. developmentally inappropriate (e.g. teenager trying to get major bank loan, business deals) |
Decreased need for sleep |
May occasionally sleep less than usually, but will usually be tired the next |
May sleep only a few hours (if hypomanic), or not sleep at all (if manic), however, will NOT be tired the next day and still appear to be high energy |
Grandiosity |
Many teens may be ‘grandiose’ in that they think they are the “best” and better than others including their parents and adults. |
Increased grandiosity from usual child/youth grandiosity; Grandiosity to an extreme: E.g. believing that one can fly, is invulnerable or other super powers E.g. believing that one is the best sports player even despite being clearly not the best player on the team. |
Elation |
Happy while doing pleasurable activities |
Inappropriately elated, or excessively elated for what might be expected. |
Sexual interest |
May be interested or curious about sex. |
Excessive interest that is inappropriate, e.g. preoccupation with naked people; touching private areas of self or others; wanting to date one’s teacher, etc. The interest is not better explained by history of sexual abuse, exposure to pornography, etc. |
Is it hypomania vs. mania?
Hypomania |
Mania |
Severity of symptoms |
Less severe symptoms |
More severe symptom |
Duration |
At least 4-days (by DSM-IV) |
Function |
Function may appear to be increased in narrow areas (e.g. more social, energy, creativity), but especially with repeated episodes, may show decline in function |
Function appears to be more obviously impaired |
Is it bipolar vs ADHD?
Bipolar |
Age of onset |
Symptom appear age 10 or older |
Symptoms are present from earlier age |
Responsive to stimulants |
Symptoms worse with stimulants |
Symptoms improve with stimulants |
Stability of symptoms |
Symptoms are episodic |
Symptoms are consistently present |
Type of symptoms |
Episodes of increased mood, grandiosity, less need for sleep |
Inattention, distractibility, problems with low frustration tolerance |
Is there major depression?
Are there symptoms of
- Depressed mood
- Neurovegetative symptoms such as problems with
- Decreased sleep
- Decreased energy
- Decreased concentration / increased distractibility
DSM-5 Criteria for Manic Episode
DSM-5 criteria for a manic episode are as follows.
- Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary).
- During the period of mood disturbance, 3 or more of the following symptoms persisted (4 if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:
- Inflated self-esteem to levels of grandiosity
- Decreased need for sleep
- More talkativeness than usual, often characterized by pressured speech with a sense of a need to keep talking
- Flight of ideas or a subjective feeling that thoughts are racing
- Distractibility
- Increased goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
- Excessive involvement in pleasurable activity that has a high potential for painful consequences (eg, hypersexuality, excessive spending, impetuous traveling)
- Symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode.
- Mood disturbance is severe enough to cause marked social impairment in occupational functioning, social activities, or relationships with others. Hospitalization may be necessary to prevent harm to self or others or if psychotic features are present.
- Symptoms are not due to the direct physiologic effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
Predictive Factors for Eventual Bipolar Diagnosis
The following are risk factors associated with an eventual diagnosis of bipolar
- Adolescents with major depression with:
- Psychosis
- Medication-induced mania
DDx of Bipolar, i.e. “the Moody Child”, i.e. Affect dysregulation
Medical DDx
Sleep Disorders |
Any problems with snoring, restless legs? Patients with sleep disorders may have decreased sleep, but this will be followed by fatigue the next day, unlike mania/hypomania |
Tourette’s |
Any tics? Patients with Tourette’s may have anger and mood dysregulation |
Infectious |
NMDA Encephalitis (Kayser, 2013)
Neurologic |
Head trauma: Any history of head trauma? Brain tumors: Any focal neurologic symptoms? |
Psychiatric / Comorbid DDx
Depressive disorders, e.g. major depression, dysthymic disorder |
With depressive disorders, the depressed periods will resemble the depressed periods in bipolar |
Substance use disorders |
Substance use may be a comorbid condition seen with bipolar, as patients may be impulsive, or may be trying to self-medicate |
Learning disorders (e.g. NVLD) |
With NVLD, there can be mood dysregulation, especially if there are comorbid issues such as ADHD / sensory issues Is there a verbal / non-verbal split? Does there appear to be average to above average language? Does there appear to be poor non-verbal skills (such as social skills, understanding tone of voice, etc.)? |
Borderline personality traits |
With borderline personality traits, the patient may have angry outbursts usually triggered by perceived rejection or abandonment Does the patient have significant issues with abandonment? Rejection? |
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) |
Children with DMDD have problems with angry outbursts, however studies show that they are not at risk for developing bipolar disorder in the future (although they are at risk for future depressive/anxiety disorders) Bipolar disorder is episodic, whereas DMDD is more non-episodic Screening questions
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |
With ADHD, symptoms (e.g. hyperactivity, distractibility) tend to be persistent and represent the child’s baseline. With bipolar, symptoms are intermittent or episodic with periods of increased energy, and periods of decreased energy. |
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) |
With ASD, there may be problems with emotional regulation, such as meltdowns with changes and transitions; problems seeing other’s perspectives may appear selfish or grandiose. Are there narrow, stereotyped routines? Difficulties with changes/transitions? |
Sensory processing disorder |
With sensory processing issues, patients may be easily triggered into red zone ( emotional dysregulation and meltdowns) when overstimulated. Are there sensitivities to sound? Light? Touch? |
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) |
Are there periods of explosive anger that is disproportionate? |
Physical Exam
There are no specific physical findings in bipolar.
However, physical can help to:
- Rule out contributory medical conditions such as
- Hyperthyroidism, which can mimic bipolar
- Hypothyroidism, which can mimic depression
There are no diagnostic investigations for bipolar however investigations may help rule out contributory medical conditions such as:
- B12/folate to rule out B12/folate deficiency
- Thyroid indices such as TSH to help rule out hyperthyroidism
- Sleep studies can help assess sleep problems
Management: Non-Medication Strategies
Teach child/ parents how to self-regulate
- Common elements of self-regulation programs include
- Teaching the child about the concept of being
- “Engine running just right” / “Green zone”, i.e. optimal regulation, where one can learn, work and play
- Family is taught how to find activities that provide optimal stimulation for the child/youth
- “Engine running too high” / “Red or yellow zone” (i.e. overstimulated, which can lead to fight / flight / freeze)
- Family is taught strategies how to reduce stimulation when understimulated and/or using soothing, self-regulating strategies
- “Engine running too low” “Blue zone” (i.e. understimulated, which can lead to boredom
- Family is taught strategies how to safely increased stimulation when understimulated
- “Engine running just right” / “Green zone”, i.e. optimal regulation, where one can learn, work and play
- Self-regulation programs that many schools use include:
- Zones of Regulation (www.zonesofregulation.com)
- Alert Program (www.alertprogram.com)
- Teaching the child about the concept of being
Regular routines to set biorhythms might include
- Example of a routine for a child/youth on a school day
Morning routine |
School routines |
After school routine |
Dinner |
Evening |
Bedtime routine |
Medication Management
- Don't make things worse
- Stop any stimulants.
- Taper down and stop any antidepressants.
- Are there symptoms of mania, or mixed (i.e. irritability), without psychosis? If so, then consider:
- First-line: Monotherapy with
- Mood stabilizer (e.g. Li, DVPA or CBZ) or
- Atypical (Olanzapine, Quetiapine or Risperidone)
- Second-line: Monotherapy PLUS Augmentation with
- Mood stabilizer (e.g. Li, DVPA or CBZ) PLUS
- Atypical (Olanzapine, Quetiapine or Risperidone)
- First-line: Monotherapy with
- Is there significant depression?
- Consider lithium or lamotrigine (March, 2005).
- Are there persisting ADHD symptoms such as significant distractibility?
- Consider low dose stimulants for ADHD symptoms (in conjunction with a mood stabilizer) (March, 2005).
- Treatment Guidelines for Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder, JACAAP March 2005.
When and Where to Refer
Is the patient having clear symptoms of a mania/hypomania, along with significant impairment of function (e.g. unable to attend school; needing constant supervision)?
- Consider admission to hospital in speaking with psychiatry on-call.
Case, Part 2
You are seeing 15-yo Dave for severe mood swings. His symptoms have not responded to a trial of psychotherapy. Symptoms worsened with a trial of SSRIs. History reveals episodes of increased mood and energy, decreased need for sleep. These episodes are followed by periods of depression.
You wonder about possible medication-induced bipolar, and thus:
- You stop his antidepressant medications.
- You recommend various lifestyle strategies, in particular sleep hygiene and regular biorhythms.
- You start with an antipsychotic (Olanzapine 2.5-5 mg qhs) at bedtime to help regulate sleep and circadian rhythm, given problems with insomnia.
- You schedule follow up within 1-2 weeks to review. At that time, you will review his Olanzapine, and consider increasing if necessary.
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Goodwin FK, Jamison K. Manic-Depressive Illness: bipolar disorders and recurrent depression. 2nd ed. New York, N.Y: Oxford University Press; 2007.
Henry DB, Pavuluri MN, Youngstrom E, et al. Accuracy of brief and full forms of the Child Mania Rating Scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2008;64:368–381.
Kayser et al.: Frequency and characteristics of isolated psychiatric episodes in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, JAMA Neurol. 2013 Sep 1; 70(9).
Kessler et al.: National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A): III. Concordance of DSM-IV/CIDI Diagnoses With Clinical Reassessments, J. Am. Acad. Child & Adolesc. Psychiatr, 2009 Apr; 48(4): 386-399.
Kowatch et al.: Treatment Guidelines for Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder, J. Am. Acad. ChildAdo/esc. Psychiatry. 2005;44(3):213-235.
Rohde P et al.: Key Characteristics of Major Depressive Disorder Occurring in Childhood, Adolescence, Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood. Clin. Psychol. Sci, 2013 Jan; 1(1).
Van Meter et al.: Meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of pediatric bipolar disorder. J. Clin Psych, 2011 Sep; 72(9):1250-6.
Youngstrom E et al.: Developing a 10-item mania scale from the Parent General Behavior Inventory for children and adolescents. J Clin Psychiatry. 2008 May;69(5):831-9.
Written by Dr's Michael Cheng, FRCP(C), Psychiatrist, CHEO, uOttawa; Dhiraj Aggarwal, Psychiatrist, CHEO, uOttawa.
Conflicts of Interest: No competing interests declared.
This information is offered ‘as is' and is meant only to provide general information that supplements, but does not replace the information from a qualified expert or health professional. Always contact a qualified expert or health professional for further information in your specific situation or circumstance.
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