Ottawa-Carleton, ON
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Schizophrénie et psychose

CAMESA Guidelines
The Canadian Alliance for Monitoring Effectiveness and Safety of Antipsychotics in Children (CAMESA) guidelines provide parents and doctors with information about the side effects of antipsychotic drugs in children.
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Schizophrenia Society of Canada website
The website of the Schizophrenia Society of Canada offers various resources including: * Resources and links * Links, such as links to videos * Magazines * Articles
Schizophrenia Society of Canada
L'audience: Public (, Primary Care (
Type de ressource: , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Shared Care Toolkits
Comprehensive toolkit listing mental health resources of interest to primary care.
L'audience: Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Very useful website for clinicians that gives detailed instructions on how to switch from one psychotropic to another.
L'audience: Primary Care (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
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