South West, ON
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Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program, Igloolik Municipal Social Services
Serving clients from Igloolik. We offer Elder traditional counselling to individuals who have alochol and drug problems. Services include a home assessment and assistance for clients wishing to access treatment. We also provide a 10-minute daily radio program which includes an information session on addictions, suicide, abuse, family violence, adult child issues, etc., as well as daily meditation and affirmation.
Languages served: Inuktitut; English.
Casier postal 30
Igloolik, NU, X0A 0L0 Map
Âges servis: 12 ans et plus
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Nunavut
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Autochtones, Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis (PNIM)
Dernière modification 28 Sep 2008
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